Sanctions From The Sky To America?
Great Britain, Nottinghamshire
Sanctions From The Sky To America?
You know, Obama put sanctions to Russia and Russian, to low down Russian economy to have plenty hungry Russian kids and women without a food and presents on Christmas as the greatest American Goal by Obama.
But see now, this Hurricane Harvey in America? Here a huge flood, covered all area, all land, chemical plants and American oil plants included, - a huge economical financial loss comes in America.
This is so strange, this all.
May be this, that Barak Obama had put his sanctions to Russia and to Russian economy, but The God (THE GOD! THE SKY! ANGELS!) have put His and Theirs Sanctions to America and to American economy for this all instead?
But this means that The God is protecting Russia and Russians and not America and Americans?
Here was something strange about Russia.
Each country or someone whom had tried to start a war against Russia and Russians, - they always ruined their own states and all after as a result. Always, to think to start it.
Tatars-Mongols Chingis Khan, France with French Napoleon, German Bismark, German Hitler, still plenty others too, but all had the some final result for the end, - their own ruining country.
German Bismark warned (!) never (!!) to attack Russia as this will ruin the own state instead (!). German Hitler said in 19145 he would never attack Russia and Russian, it was his mistake (!).
But Barak Obama (!) started a Cold War with Russia (!), he had signed for sanctions against Russia and we have saw the 1st coming result for America as someone much more highest as our The God (The God, The Sky, Angels), as The God have put His own Sanctions against America and Barak Obama's sanctions now: by pouring plenty tears of plenty kids and women and men, by tears of Angels, crying from the sky with tears about America and Americans: a huge flood, a Hurricane Harway, flooding Texas, Huston.
Or just the odd of all? Or the mystery to see the presence of more Highest someone? as a miracle to see tears of Angels and an angry The God?
Sanctions From The Sky To America? (a poem)
Angels cried from the sky:
The Bully bullied, and all day:
A Rain, the rain, a flood, a rain!
Tears Angels, tears kids,
Tears women dropped вниз
Down, down, don!
A Bullshit, covered водой
See The Sanctions
From The Sky.
Are you disliked?
и не рад?
Why do Americans always
Created a death, the death, a death?
Tears people, whom were died,
Dropped, dropped, a flood became.
This is just a possibility. But, Really, no one knows.
Be honest, I do not glad here at all.
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
"Sanctions From The Sky To America?"
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