For you

I will tell you, my ex-lover, about something that you would never have known .. You do not like to listen to ... You do not like finding out the relationship, and conversations on souls also do not belong to your favorite activities ...

  Remember - HOW did we meet for the first time? I was fascinated by you .. You did not take my eyes off me and I melted from this look .. Direct hit on the target. You have admired me so much, as no one has ever done before you. And for this, words were not needed. After all, the light that you radiated enveloped me with admiration. Your admiration! Well, how could I not admire in response? .. I have never felt so beautiful before myself .. Thank you! Because it was you who revived in me this wonderful feeling of my own beauty, which lives in me to this day .. Only for this you can forgive everything!

  We passed through all stages of our love - from timid study of each other to a complete and all-embracing merger ... I will tell you that in my life there was no more such a wonderful merging of souls and bodies, minds and hearts.
  I did not expect it, but it will remain forever a wonderful imprint in my soul .. Let it be stored there and illuminate my soul with its light.

  Ecstasy from a man .. You dive into him, into his mind, into his soul. You worship him. His body seems to be a continuation of his own. The soul rejoices, the body trembles. Words can not describe the whole power of love for a man.
  And then something happened that first made me feel a sharp pain, and then a huge disappointment. You fooled me. I could not believe that this could be so. I wanted to be everything for you: a friend and a mistress, an assistant and a healer. I deserved your love with your forgiveness, and forgave forever your constant betrayal and deceit. I fought for my love with my rivals for a long time. Whatever I did ... And all the same worshiped you - your mind, your soul. But every woman inside has a limit. The limit of feelings ... The limit of pain ... The limit of tears ... The limit of forgiveness ... Therefore, they sometimes can endure for a long time ... Long silence ... Long to draw conclusions ... And then in a moment they can just go away, Without words and explanations ... And I left, having lost in the unequal struggle, leaving you to other women. After all, I'm just a woman who loved .. And it happens that love prefers to leave, rather than die in an unequal battle .. Because everyone in this world chooses his own way. And not always this way leads to love. Sometimes he turns aside, directly opposite her.

  And the loss, at times, turns into the greatest victory in life .. You gave me this victory! Because my worst enemy was inside of me .. And it was you who helped me to recognize him. I'm grateful for that. I can not express to you all the strength of my gratitude, because it is impossible to convey the power inherent in the soul! You became my teacher, the greatest teacher in my life. And if there was not you, I would never have learned to love like that .. Love yourself. God who is within us. Beautiful people living on Earth .. I would never have learned to so empathize and feel someone else's pain .. You taught me this .. Be happy, as you want yourself.
