
Inspiration: Ivanenko Kristina


She came so wise and incorruptible
With my opinion on everything and experience,
And inaccessible to virgin hearts,
Autumn, as if touched in a whisper.

And again she sets the stakes in life
And it will never be easy and carefree
She will not rush into battle without looking back,
And it will never disappear like a fleeting haze.

I came and just touched the cold
Sobering up the mind and hot hearts,
As if dragging wisdom over the city,
Became a revelation to mother and father.

Autumn gives food for thought
Gives you the opportunity to think a little about everything,
And soon it will clear past doubts
And wash away with the September sobering rain.

But despite all the bad weather outside the window,
Now I know exactly what I want and want,
I called you and you came from wonderful dreams,
A little more and again I hurry to you.
