For whom?
Light is on,
Think it’s better
To see all the hall
Filled with boozers,
Or friends,
All the questions are aimed
For to get the respond
Of the one who’s invited
You to steal the air-
Let them in
And they’ll let you out,
For they show what
Alone can’t be seen:
So it’s better alone now,
So again you can,
Must let yourself
For real free-
And for that we do
Need the companions
For to see the image
Of w’was early before
Beforeseen and
Is now beforegone-
And a pity it seems,
Feels like I am a
Reasonable man,
For I wanted to
And a real reveals then
And the truth seems
The false,
Instead of which you’ve
Traded the other one:
No one cares,
Only you are the real,
Others were
Prepared to intensively
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