The thoughts on the paper...

During a brief loneliness,
short reflections,
carried out passions,
Chinese green tea,
A hours of reading antique books,
on the pages of which a delicate irony delayed the look and breath -

she felt the savagery of this life,
its rampant character,
its grandiose and freedom-loving tasks,
and in moments of brief laught's,
she felt itself like the queen's lover,
favoring the page and tempted by the silence.

Not by the world chaos.
As a boy from aristocratic circles,
she saw in herself and in the people around her ambivalent feelings
and kept look at the clock:
where you are the hours of unbridled youth,
bravado, fervent passion, battles, gambling,
escape from the parents' house
at the hour when a Swiss train to disappear
in the shadow of the tunnel on the viaduct ..?"

Akmaral Bekenova-AMS (do not duplicate or copy this text without permission of author's... )

Early August 2017
