Маккейн и сон 20. 07. 2017
Великобритания, Ноттингемшире
Маккейн и сон 20.07.2017
Я проснулась ночью как видела сон - моя старшая дочь и медсестра с ней и какие то люди - она держалась руками за голову и как медсестра рядом и люди, то выглядело это как медицинская проблема - выглядела это как некая опухоль мозга.
Я ничего не могла во сне поделать и помочь и даже и подойти поближе и обнять: иежду нами было расстояние и некая невидимая сила держала меня на расстоянии, - я боялась сделать хуже, подойдя.
Проснулась. Было 2 часа ночи.
Я проснулась и побежала звонила своей старшей дочке спросить её как она? в порядке ли она?
Дочь была в порядке.
Я не могла потом уснуть и включила комп отойти от сна.
Там были новости "сон в руку" по теме. Как раз опубликовали в новостях на русском языке новость о Маккейне, что у него рак мозга диагноз и он на реабилитации.
Т.е. я во сне видела новость о Маккейне (!) кто был на расстоянии он меня-я во сне не могла подойти к нему - и во сне он был моей старшей дочкой (!). Я порой так иногда схватываю новости не включая телек - так и тут получилось —-
"У американского сенатора-республиканца Джона Маккейна диагностирован рак головного мозга, передает CNN. У 80-летнего политика удалили сгусток крови над левым глазом. Анализ тканей после этой процедуры показал, что к этому образованию имеет отношение первичная глиобластома. В настоящее время Маккейн проходит реабилитацию после операции у себя дома в штате Аризона. Врачи рассматривают различные варианты лечения, в том числе сочетание химиотерапии и радиотерапии. Сгусток крови был обнаружен недалеко от того места, где у Маккейна была в 2000 меланома, или рак кожи. До этого у политика были еще три меланомы, они были удалены в 1993, 2000 и 2003 годах. Все они были на нулевой стадии. По словам нейрохирурга Санджая Гупты, глиобластома является очень агрессивной опухолью. Она образуется в ткани головного и спинного мозга. Средний период выживаемости пациентов, у которых она диагностирована, составляет около 14 месяцев при условии прохождения лечения."
****************** На английском ************
20th July 2017
Great Britain, Nottinghamshire
"Makkein and my night dream on 20th July 2017", a story
"McCain and my night dream on 20th July 2017", a story
Makkein and my night dream on 20.07.2017 (on 7/20 in 2017)
I had saw a night dream on 20th July, 2017, waked up at 2 am at night.
I saw my oldest daughter on a distance from me (we just strongly argued on 8th and 19th, keeping us on a distance in the reality), she had been rounded by a Nurse and some people and other relatives, she took her head by her palms, mooning, so, I realized she had some medical problem inside her head, as some type similar to a cancer of her head-mind.
I was not able to move to her to help in this night dream, some strength had kept me on a distance far away to stay and just to look this.
I waked up. it was 2 am by London time.
I called to my oldest daughter to check that she was all right - she was all right.
But I was not able to return back to a bed, having still all in my memory from my night dream, so, to calm down, I switched on Internet computer to calm down myself after such strong strange night dream.
And here I saw the 1st news just came was about American Senator Makkein, having a cancer of mind-head, on the diagnoses and on a rehabilitation - this news just had came, so associated with the theme of my night dream.
This was as a some shock as a "night dream was just about this all, really".
A distance (England-America is on a distance, naming themselves as sister and a brother (closed relatives as closed allies).
Other signs from my night dream - my OLDER daughter - American man Makkein is in age (old age to be honest, as a mature man). We both, my daughter and me where in a position, similar really as Makkein blamed Russia and Russians all times.
Our Ethnic Group is Russian. Makkein had been known a lot for blaming Russia and Russian.
But really, I felt just as a love to him, looking his photos, as he looked like a good descend man and a person here.
So, I could not blame him for his choices of life or words, and I wish him to survive to return back in a normal life to enjoy a life.
I saw on Makkein - this night dream, so associated with news, - and so, I picked the news from somewhere, from Internet or somewhere, probably, sleeping, as just changing this news in a transformation to a night dream about my older daughter.
This was a work of some telepathic bio-radio link with the translation and adaptation for me to pick this to wake up to react to feel.
As someone would said me somethings and as I was sleeping, all words coming though some thick glass telephone on a surface into my night dream.
American Senator Mr. Makkein had been known he hated Russia and Russians, while my daughters and me are British Citizens of Russian Ethnic Group.
See, as Hitler hated all Jews and all Jewish Ethnic Group people while scientists opened that he had been connected to his Jewish father genetically, some about his wife Eva Brown, as it had been discovered it, too.
The hate of something what is on the genetic biological base as your closed relatives may be much more stronger hate or love as we all react on our closed relatives at more high level.
So, I had saw a news from Internet or somewhere in my night dream on a night from 19th to 20th on 20th, sleeping. I wish all the best for this American man, and a miracle to survive too.
And American Senator Makkein was my oldest daughter here :).
I read that some people believe as some souls may disperse themselves in plenty different people (including women-men-countries) to work on their own tasks.
Whom knows this, really?
May be my daughter's soul and Makkein's soul came from the some one resource?
Or, someone as My Angel or My Highest I tried to talk with me and I picked all information as I was able, though my abilities of understanding this, as the adaptation of words, meanings, all.
Yes, Makkein was a strongest enemy of Russians and Russia. But I feel a love to him and a real wish to be happy to survive.
I hope for he will be happy.
We all are here just alive people.
Or, pardon me, it would be right to write McCain, while I wrote Makkein.
(I read news on Russian).
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
"Маккейн и сон 20.07.2017", рассказ
"Makkein and my night dream on 20th July 2017", a story
"McCain and my night dream on 20th July 2017", a story
"What John McCain learned from Ted Kennedy on challenging his own part"
(incl. "Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has been diagnosed with a brain tumor")
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