Carry me away, the Wind...

(Перевод "Унеси меня, ветер...")

Carry me away, the Wind,
Gently, unwittingly.
I don’t want a pain for everybody.
I don’t want a sorrow mirrors
On the people’s faces which I pity.
On the faces which I love, and I hope
I’ll be able to save them though.

Just come
And make this thread to rip,
Which let no chance to fly for me.
But I wish this
And I have wings,
I really can!
And will do this.

It isn’t because the wish of escape
Turns out so brightly like the truth of the Real,
Or if  the body losses its will –
I just want joining you, the Wind.

A windy freedom has something another
That I have not attained rather.
I’ll let you to melt me and will suddenly wobble –
I will turn out a move of the World in the moment.
The World  will be filled to the end by a sound.
With the Wind I will stay in a silence alone.

The stars or they aren’t,
The Light or the Dark –
Instead of my mind the Space won’t decide.
I’ll write on the hands of the Wind
A strange and old hieroglyph,
It denotes the Fate-Infinity,
A way in the bright Eternity.
The Tree will show me its roots and its crown,
To mind will be opened the ancient Womb…

What I will see – I don’t know, oh, Wind,
But I want to people tell about it.
