Peacetone token emission. Blonde papier
Исполнитель: Edelis
Peacetone Project at a Glance
Rabinovich is asked about labor earnings, where he takes a money:
- Rabinovich, where did you get a money?
- well... as always... my wife gives them to me...
- ... well... and where does she get them from?
- ... from the nightstand... yes, from the nightstand!
- well, in the nightstand they come from!? How did they end up there!?
- ... I am giving...
- Rabinovich, well, and you, where does the money come from?
- from the bedside table!
The highest liquidity is provided with the balance maintenance principle of purchasing power sustainable development.
Periodically (monthly unconditional income), every citizen for a verified INN-purse will be entitled to receive a certain tokens amount under a smart contract.
Сrypto-currencies appeal based on the world production volume economic data is guaranteed to avoid bubbles.
These are the most reliable, most provided with reasonable money, so they will grow in price and citizens will be happy to buy goods.
Sparklets myriads around...
Closing eyes in bliss... pictures continue to sing...
Sparklets myriads... are hovering around...
Sparklets myriads... a whole sea...
Sparklets myriads... a magic fire...
The whole sea in a whirl... magic sparkles whirl...
Always in my arms... past and future does not exist...
I'm not stopping... it's impossible to stop...
Sparklets myriads around... beautiful dream... wonderful dreams...
Opening eyes in bliss... pictures continue to sing...
Somewhere there are parkles myriads... a whole sea...
Sparklets myriads... a magical fire...
Somewhere there are... past and future does not exist...
In the first part of this paper, we will discuss the concept of abstract blockchains and the implementation of a self-amending crypto-ledger. In the second part, we will describe our proposed seed protocol.
Self-amending cryptoledger
A blockchain protocol can be decomposed into three distinct protocols:
- the network protocol discovers blocks and broadcasts transactions.
- the transaction protocol specifies what makes a transaction valid.
- the consensus protocol forms consensus around a unique chain.
Mathematical representation
Fly my wish
Исполнитель: Edelis
Hands want to say something... legs want to say something...
The whole world is trying to deceive you...
Anything... only don't ask and don't look for...
Anything everywhere... very interesting...
Don't ask and don't look for... that's new again and again...
Everywhere is very interesting... and here's another new and even...
The whole world is trying to deceive you? that nonsense...
Happiness... it's just that... people just make it up...
Everywhere is very interesting... and here's another new and even...
Hands obey... feet obey... everywhere is very interesting...
Everywhere is very interesting... makes no sense to ask anything or look...
Why some any questions... it is very interesting everywhere...
Boring thoughts... which can be forgotten and they will dissolve...
Because everywhere is very interesting... boring thoughts about anything disappear...
Fingertips feel the my hands warmth...
Real dear home... when nothing is necessary...
We can and must do more and more... different plans... many plans...
But all this pales... nothing is necessary... dear true home...
Boring thoughts... which can be forgotten and they will dissolve...
Because everywhere is very interesting... boring thoughts about anything disappear...
A blockchain protocol is fundamentally a monadic implementation of concurrent mutations of a global state. This is achieved by defining “blocks” as operators acting on this global state. The free monoid of blocks acting on the genesis state forms a tree structure. A global, canonical, state is defined as the minimal leaf for a specified ordering.
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