The Present Perfect Inclusive

   - How long have you been away from school?
   - I've been at home since I fell ill.
   - Have you been glad to laze around all this time?
   - Oh, no, I've already had my fill.

   - How long has Jack had this horror book?
   - He has had this novel for ages.
   - Has he read the whole of it yet?
   - He's only read a few boring pages.

   - How long has Bess known this boy-friend of hers?
   - She hasn't known him for long.
   - Do you happen to know his name, by the way?
   - I suppose his name is John.

   - How long have you all liked Geography?
   - We've liked it since that trip to Spain.
   - And how did you travel there?
   - Why, of course we travelled by plane!

