When people pass away

 Посвящается светлой памяти Леонида Буйлова

When people whom you’ve scarcely known
Just pass away in broad daylight,
You notice something start to grow
Like sorrow shadowed by delight …

They led their lives with mild persistence
Emerged in everyday routine
And mind you – due to their assistance
You had your share of self-esteem.

They weren’t keen on pompous speeches,
Few words was essence of their style.
Well, I'd have given all the riches
To see them smiling and alive …

They wlii always live with us, who passed away.

When people passed away,
Their portraits are changed.
Their eyes become another,
Their lips smile another.
I persuaded in it, when I had returned
From the funeral of one poet -
And my good opinion confirmed.

After Ann Ahmatova.

Виктори Мердок   06.04.2018 18:27     Заявить о нарушении
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