Typical American movie

I'm an American guy!
My eyes are big,
I'm handsome like a Cristmas pig!
My big biceps
Are providing a nice fighting process.
I fight like hell
And do it very well.
But that bad Russians!
With all their occassions!
I push them aside by my left hand,
From the beginning to the end!
After all heavy kicks
I'm fresh like morning dew and never sick,
But if I'm sick somewere,
I'm such a poor little hare!
From the water I have come dry, not wet,
No borders I have met.
This is me, who brokes all nets
Even I chew bullets.
I have got a tragical moving look,
That exellently I can cook,
Every lady fall in love with me,
They couldn't resist it, do you see?
I conquere everybody
With nice music melody.
I'm a little bit mystic
And partly pessimistic.
Such I, an American guy!
The end, bye!
