To drive or not to drive

To drive or not to drive: that is the question.
Whether to stay at home in Sunday
Instead of going to the lake for joy,
Or to take arms against the sea of troubles
With rights and traffic-jams and service...
The traffic-warden on that damn turning produced
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
By stopping me without an excuse
And taking my last dollars... No more shops.
I wish I knew! I wish I went by bus!
By bus... For goodness’ sake!
To keep in hands all those shirts, skirts and hats?!
By bus... To be absorbed by hungry throng!
That makes calamity of such hazardous thinking.
To drive. So many problems solve the means.
But seems to bring much more.
The pangs of scratched car’s wing,
The road inspection’s warms,
The fines, the service bills,
The dread of being stolen...
The fair car! So many nerves you take!
I’ll give you all for driving’s sake!
