The Night
Who brought her darkest cover,
She found my sadness to expand
And to enlarge it with an ardor.
Her cloak flew out like an arrow,
The stars were like the sharpest needles,
I felt myself a tiny sparrow,
Who was attacked by sudden eagles.
I raised my face, I shed a tear,
The Night was cryptic but so pretty,
I was to show my deepest fear
But The Night’s speech was like a ditty.
“Don’t be afraid, my dear lady”
She told me in the softest tone.
“All people always call me shady,
To my disgrace I hear them moan”.
“I bring this Planet faithful feelings,
I am younger sister of the Day,
The people think of their dealings,
I always have the flam to slay”.
“My dear kids are Dream and Hope,
I send them to destroy despond,
This time the people often grope,
This is my typical respond”.
“My aim is clear – it’s confession.
I tear off the human mask.
Some people feel the deep depression,
I show the light, it is my task”.
“The Day comes later, he is ready
To give you all a helping hand,
You’ll see a sign, don’t be heady,
Your wish must be completely planned”.
The Night was gone, I felt a sorrow
But She gave me a cheerful Dream.
While I was greeting a new morrow,
The World was like a glorious realm.
Свидетельство о публикации №117062005509
В этой строке: You’ll see a sign, don’t be heady -- я бы добавила слог (do nоt). Дифтонги всё-таки образуют один слог. Хотя русскоговорящие переводчики, чьё ухо к дифтонгам непривычное:)) спорят по этому поводу:))
Впрочем, тогда: My aim is clear – it is confession./I always tear off human masks.
Ну это, конечно, на Ваше усмотрение:))
Вы молодец!
Вечера Вам доброго!
Ольга Белова-Далина 30.06.2017 20:37 Заявить о нарушении