Mata Hari

Voice over:  Harsh female moaning : “ I live to love you”…

Mati Hari X3

Verse 1:
She believed her sex appeal was the ticket in life
Found a bald old captain and became his wife.
The marriage proved rocky, she escaped to France
captivated Paris with her belly dance.

Made her stage name, “eye of day”
Red hot candy, every man wants to play.
Took all of France and its cities by storm.
Turned strip tease into an art form.

Pre-Chorus 1:
She-ee was a girl who loved to spy spy spy
E-e-e-e--e-easy way to die die die.
Swe-e-e-e-eet dreams are full of lies lies lies.
Find a good one and say good buy.

Chorus 1:
Mata Hari Mata Hari
Great nude dancer in a sari.
People tell her secret story.
Mata Hari Mata Hari.

Mata Hari Mata Hari.
Making love without a hurry.
Loving her is harakiri.
Mata Hari Mata Hari.

Verse 2:
Fell in love with a young blind russian captain.
Everybody knew what was going to happen.
Spying on the Germans, code intercepted. Double
crossing the French is what got her arrested.

“I’m a courtesan.” she admitted, “But a spy? Never.”
“I always live for money, love, sex, and pleasure.”
The army came to take her, she did not resist.
and with her dying breath she blew them one last kiss.

Pre-Chorus 2:
She-ee was a girl who loved to spy spy spy.
E-e-e-e-easy way to die die die.
Swe-e-e-e-eet dreams are full of lies lies lies.
Nothing new out there to buy.

Chorus 2:
Mata Hari Mata Hari
Never saying that she’s sorry.
People tell her secret story.
Mata Hari Mata Hari.

Mata Hari Mata Hari.
Bells are ringing charivari.
Run a business with no worries.
Mata Hari Mata Hari.

You can have my body
You can take all of me
Didn’t say I haven’t warned you
I live for lust…,
And mystery !

(Chorus 1)

Mata Hari Mata Hari
Never saying that she’s sorry.
People tell her secret story.
Mata Hari Mata Hari.
