Confess to me that you visited Earth for the first

The magic light that pours from your eyes
Melted my constantly rampant heart
You gave space and happiness for two
I rush into your arms by inertia.

You gave a light so warm and tender
And the wind that became related to freedom,
Always with you, I am your tired sinner
Your voice is eternal bliss and languor.

Closing my eyes, I plunge into a beautiful world,
Where everything is perfect and you and I are together,
And dreams come true, they become real
And in my dreams I rush to the skies.

I hear a voice, it penetrates right into the soul,
Without filters and checks, and eternal mistrust,
I am forever bitten by your irresistible light,
Open love, without whimsy, flattery, hypocrisy.

I adore your speech, how you always build phrases,
A marvelous gait and impeccable manners,
Your beautiful words are rough diamonds
There is something of a panther in your habits.

Confess to me that you visited Earth for the first time,
From other worlds where genius is easy
Where dreams come true and people are forever young,
Where they know the truth and people no longer have questions.

Admit to me that you are a reflection of dreams
She came to me from dreams, because I waited for you for so long,
I'm so afraid that you will disappear when you wake up
That I was not uselessly reborn and dying forever.

Прекрасные строки...До глубины души.

Юлия Ухмылина   17.06.2017 16:55     Заявить о нарушении
Очень рад, что Вам понравилось!!!

Егор Рыбаков   20.06.2017 10:04   Заявить о нарушении
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