Псалом 1 by John Milton

Джон Мильтон, Милтон (9 дек.1608, Лондон, — 8 нояб.1674, там же), английский поэт, политический деятель, мыслитель, автор политических памфлетов и религиозных трактатов. Его  взгляды близки пуританским.

В XVII веке псалмы составляли важную часть протестантского богослужения и имели большое значение для Джона Мильтона. В течение тридцати лет он переводил псалмы и включил псалом 148 в эпическую поэму «Потерянный рай». Переводы псалмов Мильтона нельзя назвать переводами в буквальном смысле слова, они представляют собой поэтическое толкование литургического текста.

(In the 17th century Psalms made an important part of Protestant church services and were very important for John Milton. He gave thirty years of his life to translating Psalms and included Ps.148 in his epic poem Paradise Lost. Miltons Psalms are not literal translations, but poetic interpretations of the liturgical text.)

Псалом I (перевод)

Блажен тот муж, кто злых советов избегает,
Путей нечестивых не принимает.
С хулителями дружбы не заводит,
В собрание губителей не входит.
Воле Господней подчиняется вседневно,
В законе Божием пребывает непременно.
Как древо орошенное потоком дивных вод,
Приносит в свое время добрый плод.
И не один листок его не вянет, не спадает,
За что он не берется, во всем преуспевает.
Но ветром нечестивые сметутся яко прах,
Посрамятся, потерпят непременно крах.
И не воскреснут нечестивые на суд,
В собрание праведных не попадут.
Путь праведных Господь благословит,
Пути же нечестивых погубит.


PSAL. I. Done into Verse, 1653.

  BLESS'D is the man who hath not walk'd astray
  In counsel of the wicked, and ith'way
  Of sinners hath not stood, and in the seat
  Of scorners hath not sate.  But in the great
  Jehovahs Law is ever his delight,
  And in his law he studies day and night.
  He shall be as a tree which planted grows
  By watry streams, and in his season knows
  To yield his fruit, and his leaf shall not fall.
  And what he takes in hand shall prosper all.               
  Not so the wicked, but as chaff which fann'd
  The wind drives, so the wicked shall not stand
  In judgment, or abide their tryal then
  Nor sinners in th'assembly of just men.
  For the Lord knows th'upright way of the just
  And the way of bad men to ruine must.

PSAL. II Done Aug. 8. 1653. Terzetti.

  WHY do the Gentiles tumult, and the Nations
  Muse a vain thing, the Kings of th'earth upstand
  With power, and Princes in their Congregations
  Lay deep their plots together through each Land,
  Against the Lord and his Messiah dear.
  Let us break off; say they, by strength of hand
  Their bonds, and cast from us, no more to wear,
  Their twisted cords: he who in Heaven doth dwell
  Shall laugh, the Lord shall scoff them, then severe
  Speak to them in his wrath, and in his fell                10
  And fierce ire trouble them; but I saith hee
  Anointed have my King (though ye rebell)
  On Sion my holi' hill.  A firm decree
  I will declare; the Lord to me hath say'd
  Thou art my Son I have begotten thee
  This day, ask of me, and the grant is made;
  As thy possession I on thee bestow
  Th'Heathen, and as thy conquest to be sway'd
  Earths utmost bounds: them shalt thou bring full low
  With Iron Sceptir bruis'd, and them disperse                20
  Like to a potters vessel shiver'd so.
  And now be wise at length ye Kings averse
  Be taught ye Judges of the earth; with fear
  Jehovah serve and let your joy converse
  With trembling;  Kiss the Son least he appear
  In anger and ye perish in the way
  If once his wrath take fire like fuel sere.
  Happy all those who have in him their stay.

PSAL. III. Aug. 9. 1653

  LORD how many are my foes
  How many those
  That in arms against me rise
  Many are they
  That of my life distrustfully thus say,
  No help for him in God there lies.
  But thou Lord art my shield my glory,
  Thee through my story
  Th' exalter of my head I count
  Aloud I cry'd                10
  Unto Jehovah, he full soon reply'd
  And heard me from his holy mount.
  I lay and slept, I wak'd again,
  For my sustain
  Was the Lord.  Of many millions
  The populous rout
  I fear not though incamping round about
  They pitch against me their Pavillions.
  Rise Lord, save me my God for thou
  Hast smote ere now                20
  On the cheek-bone all my foes,
  Of men abhor'd
  Hast broke the teeth.  This help was from the Lord;
  Thy blessing on thy people flows.

PSAL. IV. Aug. 10.1653.
  ANSWER me when I call
  God of my righteousness;
  In straights and in distress
  Thou didst me disinthrall
  And set at large; now spare,
  Now pity me, and hear my earnest prai'r.

  Great ones how long will ye
  My glory have in scorn
  How long be thus forlorn
  Still to love vanity,                10
  To love, to seek, to prize
  Things false and vain and nothing else but lies?

  Yet know the Lord hath chose
  Chose to himself a part
  The good and meek of heart
  (For whom to chuse he knows)
  Jehovah from on high
  Will hear my voyce what time to him I crie.

  Be aw'd, and do not sin,
  Speak to your hearts alone,                20
  Upon your beds, each one,
  And be at peace within.
  Offer the offerings just
  Of righteousness and in Jehovah trust.

  Many there be that say
  Who yet will shew us good?
  Talking like this worlds brood;
  But Lord, thus let me pray,
  On us lift up the light
  Lift up the favour of thy count'nance bright.                30

  Into my heart more joy
  And gladness thou hast put
  Then when a year of glut
  Their stores doth over-cloy
  And from their plenteous grounds
  With vast increase their corn and wine abounds.

  In peace at once will I
  Both lay me down and sleep
  For thou alone dost keep
  Me safe where ere I lie                40
  As in a rocky Cell
  Thou Lord alone in safety mak'st me dwell.

PSAL. V. Aug. 12.1653.
  JEHOVAH to my words give ear
  My meditation waigh
  The voyce of my complaining hear
  My King and God for unto thee I pray.
  Jehovah thou my early voyce
  Shalt in the morning hear
  Ith'morning I to thee with choyce
  Will rank my Prayers, and watch till thou appear.
  For thou art not a God that takes
  In wickedness delight                10
  Evil with thee no biding makes
  Fools or mad men stand not within thy sight.
  All workers of iniquity
  Thou wilt destroy that speak a ly
  The bloodi' and guileful man God doth detest.
  But I will in thy mercies dear
  Thy numerous mercies go
  Into thy house; I in thy fear
  Will towards thy holy temple worship low.                20
  Lord lead me in thy righteousness
  Lead me because of those
  That do observe if I transgress,
  Set thy wayes right before, where my step goes.
  For in his faltring mouth unstable
  No word is firm or sooth
  Their inside, troubles miserable;
  An open grave their throat, their tongue they smooth.
  God, find them guilty, let them fall
  By their own counsels quell'd;                30
  Push them in their rebellions all
  Still on; for against thee they have rebell'd;
  Then all who trust in thee shall bring
  Their joy, while thou from blame
  Defend'st them, they shall ever sing
  And shall triumph in thee, who love thy name.
  For thou Jehovah wilt be found
  To bless the just man still,
  As with a shield thou wilt surround
  Him with thy lasting favour and good will.                40

PSAL. VI Aug. 13. 1653.
  LORD in thine anger do not reprehend me
  Nor in thy hot displeasure me correct;
  Pity me Lord for I am much deject
  Am very weak and faint; heal and amend me,
  For all my bones, that even with anguish ake,
  Are troubled, yea my soul is troubled sore
  And thou O Lord how long? turn Lord, restore
  My soul, O save me for thy goodness sake
  For in death no remembrance is of thee;
  Who in the grave can celebrate thy praise?                10
  Wearied I am with sighing out my dayes.
  Nightly my Couch I make a kind of Sea;
  My Bed I water with my tears; mine Eie
  Through grief consumes, is waxen old and dark
  Ith' mid'st of all mine enemies that mark.
  Depart all ye that work iniquitie.
  Depart from me, for the voice of my weeping
  The Lord hath heard, the Lord hath heard my prai'r
  My supplication with acceptance fair
  The Lord will own, and have me in his keeping.                20
  Mine enemies shall all be blank and dash't
  With much confusion; then grow red with shame,
  They shall return in hast the way they came
  And in a moment shall be quite abash't.

PSAL. VII. Aug. 14. 1653.

  Lord my God to thee I flie
  Save me and secure me under
  Thy protection while I crie
  Least as a Lion (and no wonder)
  He hast to tear my Soul asunder
  Tearing and no rescue nigh.

  Lord my God if I have thought
  Or done this, if wickedness
  Be in my hands, if I have wrought
  Ill to him that meant me peace,                10
  Or to him have render'd less,
  And fre'd my foe for naught;

  Let th'enemy pursue my soul
  And overtake it, let him tread
  My life down to the earth and roul
  In the dust my glory dead,
  In the dust and there out spread
  Lodge it with dishonour foul.

  Rise Jehovah in thine ire
  Rouze thy self amidst the rage                20
  Of my foes that urge like fire;
  And wake for me, their furi' asswage;
  Judgment here thou didst ingage
  And command which I desire.

  So th' assemblies of each Nation
  Will surround thee, seeking right,
  Thence to thy glorious habitation
  Return on high and in their sight.
  Jehovah judgeth most upright
  All people from the worlds foundation.                30

  Judge me Lord, be judge in this
  According to my righteousness
  And the innocence which is
  Upon me: cause at length to cease
  Of evil men the wickedness
  And their power that do amiss.

  But the just establish fast,
  Since thou art the just God that tries
  Hearts and reins.  On God is cast
  My defence, and in him lies                40
  In him who both just and wise
  Saves th' upright of Heart at last.

  God is a just Judge and severe,
  And God is every day offended;
  If th' unjust will not forbear,
  His Sword he whets, his Bow hath bended
  Already, and for him intended
  The tools of death, that waits him near.

  (His arrows purposely made he
  For them that persecute.)  Behold                50
  He travels big with vanitie,
  Trouble he hath conceav'd of old
  As in a womb, and from that mould
  Hath at length brought forth a Lie.

  He dig'd a pit, and delv'd it deep,
  And fell into the pit he made,
  His mischief that due course doth keep,
  Turns on his head, and his ill trade
  Of violence will undelay'd
  Fall on his crown with ruine steep.                60

  Then will I Jehovah's praise
  According to his justice raise
  And sing the Name and Deitie
  Of Jehovah the most high.

PSAL. VIII. Aug. 14. 1653.
  O JEHOVAH our Lord how wondrous great
  And glorious is thy name through all the earth?
  So as above the Heavens thy praise to set
  Out of the tender mouths of latest bearth,

  Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou
  Hast founded strength because of all thy foes
  To stint th'enemy, and slack th'avengers brow
  That bends his rage thy providence to oppose.

  When I behold thy Heavens, thy Fingers art,
  The Moon and Starrs which thou so bright hast set,                10
  In the pure firmament, then saith my heart,
  O What is man that thou remembrest yet,

  And think'st upon him; or of man begot
  That him thou visit'st and of him art found;
  Scarce to be less then Gods, thou mad'st his lot,
  With honour and with state thou hast him crown'd.

  O're the works of thy hand thou mad'st him Lord,
  Thou hast put all under his lordly feet,
  All Flocks, and Herds, by thy commanding word,
  All beasts that in the field or forrest meet.                20

  Fowl of the Heavens, and Fish that through the wet
  Sea-paths in shoals do slide. And know no dearth.
  O Jehovah our Lord how wondrous great
  And glorious is thy name through all the earth.

Wherein all but what is in a different Character, are the very words of the Text,translated from the Original.

  1   THOU Shepherd that dost Israel keep
      Give ear in time of need,
      Who leadest like a flock of sheep
      Thy loved Josephs seed,
      That sitt'st between the Cherubs bright
      Between their wings out-spread
      Shine forth, and from thy cloud give light,
      And on our foes thy dread.
  2   In Ephraims view and Benjamins,
      And in Manasse's sight                10
      Awake* thy strength, come, and be seen                *Gnorera.
      To save us by thy might.
  3   Turn us again, thy grace divine
      To us O God vouchsafe;
      Cause thou thy face on us to shine
      And then we shall be safe.
  4   Lord God of Hosts, how long wilt thou,
      How long wilt thou declare
      Thy *smoaking wrath, and angry brow                *Gnashanta.
      Against thy peoples praire.                20
  5   Thou feed'st them with the bread of tears,
      Their bread with tears they eat,
      And mak'st them* largely drink the tears                *Shalish.
      Wherewith their cheeks are wet.
  6   A strife thou mak'st us and a prey
      To every neighbour foe,
      Among themselves they *laugh, they *play,                *Jilgnagu.
      And *flouts at us they throw.
  7   Return us, and thy grace divine,
      O God of Hosts vouchsafe                30
      Cause thou thy face on us to shine,
      And then we shall be safe.
  8   A Vine from Aegypt thou hast brought,
      Thy free love made it thine,
      And drov'st out Nations proud and haut
      To plant this lovely Vine.
  9   Thou did'st prepare for it a place
      And root it deep and fast
      That it began to grow apace,
      And fill'd the land at last.                40
  10  With her green shade that cover'd all,
      The Hills were over-spread
      Her Bows as high as Cedars tall
      Advanc'd their lofty head.
  11  Her branches on the western side
      Down to the Sea she sent,
      And upward to that river wide
      Her other branches went.
  12  Why hast thou laid her Hedges low
      And brok'n down her Fence,                50
      That all may pluck her, as they go,
      With rudest violence?
  13  The tusked Boar out of the wood
      Up turns it by the roots,
      Wild Beasts there brouze, and make their food
      Her Grapes and tender Shoots.
  14  Return now, God of Hosts, look down
      From Heav'n, thy Seat divine,
      Behold us, but without a frown,
      And visit this thy Vine.                60
  15  Visit this Vine, which thy right hand
      Hath set, and planted long,
      And the young branch, that for thy self
      Thou hast made firm and strong.
  16  But now it is consum'd with fire,
      And cut with Axes down,
      They perish at thy dreadfull ire,
      At thy rebuke and frown.
  17  Upon the man of thy right hand
      Let thy good hand be laid,                70
      Upon the Son of Man, whom thou
      Strong for thyself hast made.
  18  So shall we not go back from thee
      To wayes of sin and shame,
      Quick'n us thou, then gladly wee
      Shall call upon thy Name.
      Return us, and thy grace divine
      Lord God of Hosts voutsafe,
      Cause thou thy face on us to shine,
      And then we shall be safe.                80

  1   To God our strength sing loud, and clear,
      Sing loud to God our King,
      To Jacobs God, that all may hear
      Loud acclamations ring.
  2   Prepare a Hymn, prepare a Song
      The Timbrel hither bring
      The cheerfull Psaltry bring along
      And Harp with pleasant string.
  3   Blow, as is wont, in the new Moon
      With Trumpets lofty sound,                10
      Th'appointed time, the day wheron
      Our solemn Feast comes round.
  4   This was a Statute giv'n of old
      For Israel to observe
      A Law of Jacobs God, to hold
      From whence they might not swerve.
  5   This he a Testimony ordain'd
      In Joseph, not to change,
      When as he pass'd through Aegypt land;
      The Tongue I heard, was strange.                20
  6   From burden, and from slavish toyle
      I set his shoulder free;
      His hands from pots, and mirie soyle
      Deliver'd were by me.
  7   When trouble did thee sore assaile,
      On me then didst thou call,
      And I to free thee did not faile,
      And led thee out of thrall.
      I answer'd thee in *thunder deep                *Be Sether ragnam.
      With clouds encompass'd round;                30
      I tri'd thee at the water steep
      Of Meriba renown'd.
  8   Hear O my people, heark'n well,
      I testifie to thee
      Thou antient flock of Israel,
      If thou wilt list to mee,
  9   Through out the land of thy abode
      No alien God shall be
      Nor shalt thou to a forein God
      In honour bend thy knee.                40
  10  I am the Lord thy God which brought
      Thee out of Aegypt land
      Ask large enough, and I, besought,
      Will grant thy full demand.
  11  And yet my people would not hear,
      Nor hearken to my voice;
      And Israel whom I lov'd so dear
      Mislik'd me for his choice.
  12  Then did I leave them to their will
      And to their wandring mind;                50
      Their own conceits they follow'd still
      Their own devises blind
  13  O that my people would be wise
      To serve me all their daies,
      And O that Israel would advise
      To walk my righteous waies.
  14  Then would I soon bring down their foes
      That now so proudly rise,
      And turn my hand against all those
      That are their enemies.                60
  15  Who hate the Lord should then be fain
      To bow to him and bend,
      But they, His should remain,
      Their time should have no end.
  16  And he would free them from the shock
      With flower of finest wheat,
      And satisfie them from the rock
      With Honey for their Meat.

  1   GOD in the *great *assembly stands                *Bagnadath-el
      Of Kings and lordly States,
      Among the gods* on both his hands.                *Bekerev.
      He judges and debates.
  2   How long will ye *pervert the right                *Tishphetu
      With *judgment false and wrong                gnavel.
      Favouring the wicked by your might,
      Who thence grow bold and strong?
  3  *Regard the *weak and fatherless                *Shiphtu-dal.
     *Dispatch the *poor mans cause,                10
      And **raise the man in deep distress
      By **just and equal Lawes.                **Hatzdiku.
  4   Defend the poor and desolate,
      And rescue from the hands
      Of wicked men the low estate
      Of him that help demands.
  5   They know not nor will understand,
      In darkness they walk on,
      The Earths foundations all are *mov'd                *Jimmotu.
      And *out of order gon.                20
  6   I said that ye were Gods, yea all
      The Sons of God most high
  7   But ye shall die like men, and fall
      As other Princes die.
  8   Rise God, *judge thou the earth in might,
      This wicked earth *redress,                *Shiphta.
      For thou art he who shalt by right
      The Nations all possess.

  1   BE not thou silent now at length
      O God hold not thy peace,
      Sit not thou still O God of strength
      We cry and do not cease.
  2   For lo thy furious foes now *swell
      And *storm outrageously,                *Jehemajun.
      And they that hate thee proud and fill
      Exalt their heads full hie.
  3   Against thy people they *contrive                *Jagnarimu.
     *Their Plots and Counsels deep,                *Sod. 10
     *Them to ensnare they chiefly strive             *Jithjagnatsu gnal.
     *Whom thou dost hide and keep.                *Tsephuneca.
  4   Come let us cut them off say they,
      Till they no Nation be
      That Israels name for ever may
      Be lost in memory.
  5   For they consult *with all their might,               *Lev jachdau.
      And all as one in mind
      Themselves against thee they unite
      And in firm union bind.                20
  6   The tents of Edom, and the brood
      Of scornful Ishmael,
      Moab, with them of Hagars blood
      That in the Desart dwell,
  7   Gebal and Ammon there conspire,
      And hateful Amalec,
      The Philistims, and they of Tyre
      Whose bounds the sea doth check.
  8   With them great Asshur also bands
      And doth confirm the knot,                30
      All these have lent their armed hands
      To aid the Sons of Lot.
  9   Do to them as to Midian bold
      That wasted all the Coast.
      To Sisera, and as is told
      Thou didst to Jabins hoast,
      When at the brook of Kishon old
      They were repulst and slain,
  10  At Endor quite cut off, and rowl'd
      As dung upon the plain.                40
  11  As Zeb and Oreb evil sped
      So let their Princes speed
      As Zeba, and Zalmunna bled
      So let their Princes bleed.
  12  For they amidst their pride have said
      By right now shall we seize
      Gods houses, and will now invade
     *Their stately Palaces.                *Neoth Elohim bears both.
  13  My God, oh make them as a wheel
      No quiet let them find,                50
      Giddy and restless let them reel
      Like stubble from the wind.
  14  As when an aged wood takes fire
      Which on a sudden straies,
      The greedy flame runs hier and hier
      Till all the mountains blaze,
  15  So with thy whirlwind them pursue,
      And with thy tempest chase;
  16 *And till they *yield thee honour due,                *They seek thy
      Lord fill with shame their face.                Name. Heb.
  17  Asham'd and troubl'd let them be,                60
      Troubl'd and sham'd for ever,
      Ever confounded, and so die
      With shame, and scape it never.
  18  Then shall they know that thou whose name
      Jehova is alone,
      Art the most high, and thou the same
      O're all the earth art one.

  1   How lovely are thy dwellings fair!
      O Lord of Hoasts, how dear
      The pleasant Tabernacles are!
      Where thou do'st dwell so near.
  2   My Soul doth long and almost die
      Thy Courts O Lord to see,
      My heart and flesh aloud do crie,
      O living God, for thee.
  3   There ev'n the Sparrow freed from wrong
      Hath found a house of rest,                10
      The Swallow there, to lay her young
      Hath built her brooding nest,
      Ev'n by thy Altars Lord of Hoasts
      They find their safe abode,
      And home they fly from round the Coasts
      Toward thee, My King, my God
  4   Happy, who in thy house reside
      Where thee they ever praise,
  5   Happy, whose strength in thee doth bide,
      And in their hearts thy waies.                20
  6   They pass through Baca's thirstie Vale,
      That dry and barren ground
      As through a fruitfull watry Dale
      Where Springs and Showrs abound.
  7   They journey on from strength to strength
      With joy and gladsom cheer
      Till all before our God at length
      In Sion do appear.
  8   Lord God of Hoasts hear now my praier
      O Jacobs God give ear,                30
  9   Thou God our shield look on the face
      Of thy anointed dear.
  10  For one day in thy Courts to be
      Is better, and mere blest
      Then in the joyes of Vanity,
      A thousand daies at best.
      I in the temple of my God
      Had rather keep a dore,
      Then dwell in Tents, and rich abode
      With Sin for evermore                40
  11  For God the Lord both Sun and Shield
      Gives grace and glory bright,
      No good from him shall be with-held
      Whose waies are just and right.
  12  Lord God of Hoasts that raign 'st on high,
      That man is truly blest
      Who only on thee doth relie.
      And in thee only rest.

  1   THY Land to favour graciously
      Thou hast not Lord been slack,
      Thou hast from hard Captivity
      Returned Jacob back.
  2   Th' iniquity thou didst forgive
      That wrought thy people woe,
      And all their Sin, that did thee grieve
      Hast hid where none shall know.
  3   Thine anger all thou hadst remov'd,
      And calmly didst return                10
      From thy *fierce wrath which we had prov'd        *Heb. The burning
      Far worse then fire to burn.                heat of thy
  4   God of our saving health and peace,                wrath.
      Turn us, and us restore,
      Thine indignation cause to cease
      Toward us, and chide no more.
  5   Wilt thou be angry without end,
      For ever angry thus
      Wilt thou thy frowning ire extend
      From age to age on us?                20
  6   Wilt thou not * turn, and hear our voice             * Heb. Turn to
      And us again * revive,                quicken us.
      That so thy people may rejoyce
      By thee preserv'd alive.
  7   Cause us to see thy goodness Lord,
      To us thy mercy shew
      Thy saving health to us afford
      And lift in us renew.
  8   And now what God the Lord will speak
      I will go strait and hear,                30
      For to his people he speaks peace
      And to his Saints full dear,
      To his dear Saints he will speak peace,
      But let them never more
      Return to folly, but surcease
      To trespass as before.
  9   Surely to such as do him fear
      Salvation is at hand
      And glory shall ere long appear
      To dwell within our Land.                40
  10  Mercy and Truth that long were miss'd
      Now joyfully are met
      Sweet Peace and Righteousness have kiss'd
      And hand in hand are set.
  11  Truth from the earth like to a flowr
      Shall bud and blossom then,
      And Justice from her heavenly bowr
      Look down on mortal men.
  12  The Lord will also then bestow
      Whatever thing is good                50
      Our Land shall forth in plenty throw
      Her fruits to be our food.
  13  Before him Righteousness shall go
      His Royal Harbinger,
      Then * will he come, and not be slow          *Heb. He will set his
      His footsteps cannot err.                steps to the way.

  1   THY gracious ear, O Lord, encline,
      O hear me I thee pray,
      For I am poor, and almost pine
      With need, and sad decay.
  2   Preserve my soul, for *I have trod           Heb. I am good, loving,
      Thy waies, and love the just,                a doer of good and
      Save thou thy servant O my God                holy things
      Who still in thee doth trust.
  3   Pity me Lord for daily thee
      I call; 4 O make rejoyce                10
      Thy Servants Soul; for Lord to thee
      I lift my soul and voice,
  5   For thou art good, thou Lord art prone
      To pardon, thou to all
      Art full of mercy, thou alone
      To them that on thee call.
  6   Unto my supplication Lord
      Give ear, and to the crie
      Of my incessant praiers afford
      Thy hearing graciously.                20
  7   I in the day of my distress
      Will call on thee for aid;
      For thou wilt grant me free access
      And answer, what I pray'd.
  8   Like thee among the gods is none
      O Lord, nor any works
      Of all that other Gods have done
      Like to thy glorious works.
  9   The Nations all whom thou hast made
      Shall come, and all shall frame                30
      To bow them low before thee Lord,
      And glorifie thy name.
  10  For great thou art, and wonders great
      By thy strong hand are done,
      Thou in thy everlasting Seat
      Remainest God alone.
  11  Teach me O Lord thy way most right,
      I in thy truth will hide,
      To fear thy name my heart unite
      So shall it never slide.                40
  12  Thee will I praise O Lord my God
      Thee honour, and adore
      With my whole heart, and blaze abroad
      Thy name for ever more.
  13  For great thy mercy is toward me,
      And thou hast free'd my Soul
      Eev'n from the lowest Hell set free
      From deepest darkness foul.
  14  O God the proud against me rise
      And violent men are met                50
      To seek my life, and in their eyes
      No fear of thee have set.
  15  But thou Lord art the God most mild
      Readiest thy grace to shew,
      Slow to be angry, and art stil'd
      Most mercifull, most true.
  16  O turn to me thy face at length,
      And me have mercy on,
      Unto thy servant give thy strength,
      And save thy hand-maids Son.                60
  17  Some sign of good to me afford,
      And let my foes then see
      And be asham'd, because thou Lord
      Do'st help and comfort me.

  1   AMONG the holy Mountains high
      Is his foundation fast,
      There Seated in his Sanctuary,
      His Temple there is plac't.
  2   Sions fair Gates the Lord loves more
      Then all the dwellings faire
      Of Jacobs Land, though there be store,
      And all within his care.
  3   City of God, most glorious things
      Of thee abroad are spoke;                10
  4   I mention Egypt, where proud Kings
      Did our forefathers yoke,
      I mention Babel to my friends,
      Philistia full of scorn,
      And Tyre with Ethiops utmost ends,
      Lo this man there was born:
  5   But twise that praise shall in our ear
      Be said of Sion last
      This and this man was born in her,
      High God shall fix her fast.                20
  6   The Lord shall write it in a Scrowle
      That ne're shall be out-worn
      When he the Nations doth enrowle
      That this man there was born.
  7   Both they who sing, and they who dance
      With sacred Songs are there,
      In thee fresh brooks, and soft streams glance
      And all my fountains clear.

  1   LORD God that dost me save and keep,
      All day to thee I cry;
      And all night long, before thee weep
      Before thee prostrate lie.
  2   Into thy presence let my praier
      With sighs devout ascend
      And to my cries, that ceaseless are,
      Thine ear with favour bend.
  3   For cloy'd with woes and trouble store
      Surcharg'd my Soul doth lie,                10
      My life at death's uncherful dore
      Unto the grave draws nigh.
  4   Reck'n'd I am with them that pass
      Down to the dismal pit
      I am a *man, but weak alas               * Heb. A man without manly
      And for that name unfit.                strength.
  5   From life discharg'd and parted quite
      Among the dead to sleep
      And like the slain in bloody fight
      That in the grave lie deep.                20
      Whom thou rememberest no more,
      Dost never more regard,
      Them from thy hand deliver'd o're
      Deaths hideous house hath barr'd.
  6   Thou in the lowest pit profound'
      Hast set me all forlorn,
      Where thickest darkness hovers round,
      In horrid deeps to mourn.
  7   Thy wrath from which no shelter saves
      Full sore doth press on me;                30
     *Thou break'st upon me all thy waves,                *The Heb.
     *And all thy waves break me                bears both.
  8   Thou dost my friends from me estrange,
      And mak'st me odious,
      Me to them odious, for they change,
      And I here pent up thus.
  9   Through sorrow, and affliction great
      Mine eye grows dim and dead,
      Lord all the day I thee entreat,
      My hands to thee I spread.                40
  10  Wilt thou do wonders on the dead,
      Shall the deceas'd arise
      And praise thee from their loathsom bed
      With pale and hollow eyes?
  11  Shall they thy loving kindness tell
      On whom the grave hath hold,
      Or they who in perdition dwell
      Thy faithfulness unfold?
  12  In darkness can thy mighty hand
      Or wondrous acts be known,                50
      Thy justice in the gloomy land
      Of dark oblivion?
  13  But I to thee O Lord do cry
      E're yet my life be spent,
      And up to thee my praier doth hie
      Each morn, and thee prevent.
  14  Why wilt thou Lord my soul forsake,
      And hide thy face from me,
  15  That am already bruis'd, and *shake          *Heb. Prae Concussione.
      With terror sent from thee;                60
      Bruz'd, and afflicted and so low
      As ready to expire,
      While I thy terrors undergo
      Astonish'd with thine ire.
  16  Thy fierce wrath over me doth flow
      Thy threatnings cut me through.
  17  All day they round about me go,
      Like waves they me persue.
  18  Lover and friend thou hast remov'd
      And sever'd from me far.                70
      They fly me now whom I have lov'd,
      And as in darkness are.
