Some political thoughts about UK situation, shortl
Great Britain, Nottinghamshire
Some political thoughts about UK situation, shortly
I so liked Teresa May before, as a real intelligent person, making a clear opinions, plenty of her's was mine own too, on my own analyze. I wanted her to be as a Leader to build a solid base of a solidarity of all British society, social classes, Ethnic to The One British Nation. But I was shocked to see what I saw, as a weakness, as mistakes, as no ability to be a Leader as she looked as playing to say what she thought others thought for Brexit as some Nazi style hate of migrants. Teresa May sounded in a way, as she mixed migrants (plenty works as a cheapest hard working group in British economy in a farming, in factories, building, where no one wish to work for 12 hours night shifts in a hard weather condition with no heating and for NMW for a daily time, - no one our British Official would agree to work as plenty "migrants" work, making British prices in British shops so cheap, they work so British people have their Christmas, happy, too. I am unhappy to see as Teresa May started to mix (TO MIX) CRIMINALS and MIGRANTS as THE SOME. Teresa May moved UK to NAZI state, or controlled police state by this. Plenty British people are people of mixed Ethnic groups, languages, coming to live to work in UK, receiving British Citizenship by British Laws after 5 or more years, their kids, grandkids are already British Citizens since a birth. Plenty British Citizens used to talk with an accents, - Indians, Pakistanish, etc, and they all British Citizens too, the some, as a part of British Community, working here, living here, spending their money in British shops, so, paying taxes. So, locals people have more choices, competitors, and if British shop would be closed in weekend Sunday, - some another local shop will be open. Teresa May started to mix words criminal and migrants as they would be the some one, this way to grow up the hateness, enemies, this her work to divide British Society and British Nations for groups of enimies, whom would hate each another. I am fully dissagree that Great Britain need a strong Leader, - plenty countries with the strongest Leaders and Leadership, as Germany with Hitler, Russia with Lenin/Stalin, etc, etc, had a bloody terrible results of a loss human lives in tens billions, ruined economy, the loss of reputation, too. The position to be much to strong to control to dictate, was a reason of ruined huge British Impair, Soviet Impair USSR too, making a knowledge as to be much too strong and bossy as Leaders may ruined countries, state, human life. The face of Leader whom controled and ordered all is not human face as a normal human. This way was a reason of ruined Great Britain, already, - much too strong controlled society, and a hate to other languages, Ethnic, "migrants", and the some people in a political power with the some mistakes, continue the wrong attitude to people. Scotland was near to leave UK, as enough is enough, as the attitude to people in UK from British Officials, on way to humiliate others by orders, but not providing any work and a payment for a role of a slave, really. Brexit and the change of Brussels EU to UK, without any thanks for staying together fr so long, paying so huge money in a budget EU, no any respect to feelings and choices of British people for themselves and their country. No one said Thank you for s long support us all as EU, let's be friends! British people voted for Brexit t closure borders from events in EU, from criminals, from transit of explosions, weapons into UK, so, for more better look whom came, as better registrations, for a safety for their kids, themselves, from people making events as in EU were. So, people voted for the safety. Had Teresa May closed borders UK? or installed CCTV urgently underground tunnels? Whom an which MIGRANTS were working in British Government as British Politicians, PM, ordering not to install any CCTV+infrared CCTV to track borders? Teresa May and others blamed MIGRANTS - Say be when these some migrants were British Politicians and British PM, making orders what to do here in UK? I had voted for Brexit, to give a better chance to control BORDERS UK from CRIMINALS< from weapons, drugs, explosions. I had not voted against "migrants", as any knows as Great Britain's economy has a huge needs in these cheapest labour, and workers in farmer fields. Each person inside UK land is paying taxes to British budget as all covered with taxes, and so, each support any budget fond, - kids, pensioners, etc, etc. etc, hospitals, just if a person is living inside UK. Latvia started to blame their own Ethnic groups nt to be a true-born Latvian Lettish Ethnic, - so, people with kids left a state of Latvian Lettish Nazi, Latvia had a loss of population over 2,5 bln people to 1 billion people and the loss is continuing, so science investigator have warned as this state will dissapair, of another group wil come, so, t settle down to live here. Latvian Nazi, with hate of Ethnic groups in Latvia, blamed all as migrants, they had not built a good economy of Latvia. The some would be for UK, just more slowly process. The strongest Leader Hitler gave a loss over tens billions lives of German taxpayers, living now all German women to be raped by whom wanted them still. These German women were so happy to have a war with Russia, s, they pushed their German men, males, husbands, fathers, brothers, lovers, sons, nephews to for far away from Germany to be killed by Russians. See, now just plenty African men from Africa may be their new-German males in Germany for choices. While all German men were far away in Russia for 5 years, they left plenty kids from them as Russian Ethnic, mixed with all local Russian women. Just German men, males, were brainwashed to realize a trick of their on German women to send them all far away and so to be killed by Russians (so, houses and pensions would be for German widows). But Russian men, Russian Soldiers came to Faschists land of Hitler as Germany 1939-1945, and bombed properties, t stop German women to think this way of dealing with males. After this lesson, plenty German women and men left ideas of wars with Russians, so, working in their own country to build their own economy, much better, as each alive though this. Teresa May, staring to push British people to hate migrants, foreigners, may work to prepare British Citizens UK for some new World World to go to fight to sacrifice lives for a small groups of rich people t start to be more rich and more power. The 1st step of preparation to a war - a propaganda as a brainwashing machine to find an enemy to blame. Would British People as adults dream to have what German people had 1939-1945 under strong Leadership of Hitler? as a result? I sure, no one, so Tony Blair with his family run away to live in USA, righter to stay in UK, to go to a British pub to a drink. I sure, must be a British Law not to permit for British PM and their family members to live UK after they had take off heir duties, so, each would "eat" results of their political cooking work, not just others.
I am British Citizen of Latvian Aliens of Russian Ethnic was, by my Latvian Alien Passport from 1991 year. I received British Citizenship and British passport in 2002, living in UK from 12th February 1998, so, now over 18 years already.
I saw such terrible things in UK, as a hate, plenty locals disliked each another, and new coming, too, especially all with foreign accents.
My mother died in December 2010, I was unemployed, just having a full financial loss of my income from September 2010, but I traveled to my mother's funeral to Riga, Latvia, with the financial help of plenty people, making this possible for me. JCP took my situation, so, i had no needs to come on their assessments, all was as a soft supporting attitude.
In January 2017, my daughter bought for me her Christmas Present (she is a British Nurse), - an air ticket to travel together to Riga, Latvia, so, I might visited my old age Dad, 79 yo, pensioner, living in Europe, in EU land, in Latvia.
Great Britain was a part of European Union, Latvia was a part of European Union.
Teresa May had not signed yet BREXIT declaration, for UK to be out from EU.
But what came after was a fully hard to accept as a right.
British Officials JCP started to treat me as a some criminals for having a love to parents, closed relatives, a love for own relatives, so, my needs to see to talk to support them, -- JCP and Council closed down all benefits (JSA, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit) on a day prior a day of leaving UK by plane.
They left me n ;0/week income without any social help, as a British Citizen of Russian Ethnic.
I left UK on Sunday, 26.2.2017 (UK was a part of EU).
I came back from my trip to vizit old age closed relatives and my one left parent on a following Sunday, 5.3.2017, so, after 1 week.
Before to travel, I asked Officials in JCP and Counsil, to know my financial loss. But when I returned back from Latvia, they dealed not as they said me.
It was no pssibility to return back to a low income JSA benefit - their web side redirected to Universal Credit benefit instead.
I had filled, and I read, that this new low income UC benefit would not paid for 1st week at all (so, leaving me 2nd week on ;0/week income).
But much more, they wrote they will pay monthly, on 19th April 2017, so, practically, this way to leave British Citizen, 55 yo, woman, on ;0/week.
I asked some social support, but as to talk with deaf people, whom had not reacted or granted.
I asked food talon for Food bank, not having any food at home. JCP Official refused, replying me, as all fod talons had finished already.
She adviced me to go to JCP again, on the early morning, to be quick enough to be first for food talons, or others will take all.
I tried web-sides of British Charity, not having any food at home, and no money too. Here was messages as British Charities will not provide any food support to people, asking the help, if they have not references from British Charities as CAB or JCP, and that British Charities do not provide food support and help just for whom will ask, showing documents and financial prooves, as just on a references base.
JCP id a govertmen official body, n insructions and rules of British Politicians in power in UK.
So, British Charities for food, collecting food from all in UK for their fond, are not providing the help to give this food supply for people, whom just poor, hungry, not having a food, and asking for the help.
So, British Charities with reference system of Food talons and references from official bureaucratic system is a part of British state fond to collect food for offering not to all British Citizens UK, not having incomes, money, food, so, in emergency, but just on some of their own choices only, - not for people whom would be not so quick enough at morning.
I was stressed so lot, by a numbers of hungry locals, so, no food supply already left, - i was stressed as some might be families with kids, so, i had not returned back. The way, as this British Official JCP was talking with me, humiliated and upset me, a lot, be honest. But as they do this with a vulnerable people with a low income, in age, I was not on the position t be able to protect myself, and here was no one from any public organization, o help, too. Citizen Advice Buroe CAB had been closed in this town. (British Charity, asking references from CAB for food talon, knowing as nearest CAB in another town, and to travel here by bus a cost of bus ticket, so, no money-no help.
I was collected stinger metels plants, boiled, to eat, food, left by someone on the street, and asked the help and a local lad helped me, buying a milk and food supply. I had not money to make calls to relatives, so, this way was closed as a help for me too.
JCP Universal Credit Official said me as I said have no money to pay a rent in March 2017, - she advised me to ask ADVANCE, so I asked, JCP UK gave me, I paid a rent for my 1-bed-roomed flat. And JCP took money as ;57/month after as a repayment of this advance back to them.
so, after they took their ;57/month from me from UC credit (which now on a place of JSA low income benefit),
I had left ;557 for month, with the need to use this to pay ;347/month rent,
;557 (UC-they took ;57 as repayment advance) = ;557/month
;557 - ;347 (rent) = ;210 (month)
;210 - ;37 (water bill 37-45/monthly) = ;173 (month)
;173 - ;35 (electricity) - .... (gas) -- ... (phone-mobile bills) = ?
- ;30 as a minimal payment for credit card.
but they wish more and here 39.99% on a credit card
To go to apply for a working place, as nobody wanted me, as a woman 56 yo age, as plenty British Employers prefer more young age as they may not pay a lot for 16-17 yo employees while they more fast working still.
When they saw my Russian accents, asking me about my Ethnic and soon as I honestly as a honest peson replied "Russian Ethnic", "British Citizens of Russian Ethnic", they do not want me o employ, so, all my income just these benefits, as I am living aloe one.
I saw the attitute to people here, No food = a hungry death.
British Govertment, British Politicians in Power created JCP Officials rules to refuse to British Citizens UK< living in UK, in a financial support.
British Laws said as each British Citizen UK must have the income in UK as to be ab;e to survive in UK as the equal or much more righter a low income ;73.../week.
But British state easily stopped benefits, leaving people without any income and food, - this is the some as a creation work of a modern style German Fascists Concentration Camp, with a humiliation and keeping people hungry, not having food, money.
Modern technology of farmering production of food, is able to provide food for each, really. just expensive taxes over-paid the prices of all things, good, items, services, and making collections for budgets.
See, when British Politicians closed hospitals, a police, schools, - nobody asked them:
- Look, why do you cut our community social needs, righter to cut your numbers and salaries instead as number of people, not working in a real British economy, but using huge fonding themselves? as officials?
If Officials closed hospitals and schools in their area, - they were not able to create a good economy and so, just took money for self-presentation themselves as a local power and a power.
I mean, if it would a full close of local fonding for local officials, for such area, transferring saving to fond local schools, hospitals, police, etc. and to move the area to be a part of another, re-arranging, as the attempt of a best deal to find the best representatives and deal.
But British Politicians and Officials and etc, they, if they had not money in a budget, prefer to close local schools, hospitals, police, etc, righter their numbers, their budgets, their offices.
In a private sector, we saw some competition, between private companies, making better service, prices, deals, and so, this works.
People have choice to pay money for a services to a company of their own choice, trying to find the nest deal.
But when the state use the state officials bureaucratic system, here no choices for British Citizens.
For example, why would so hard to arrange the benefit payments system via British Banks system too? as the ability to apply for benefits via a private British provider as a bank? Each British bank knows names of their clients, Nationality, addresses, and how much is here on a bank account as a money. Each British Bank able to see a location of client, taking money from a bank machine, too, as in UK location.
Each British Bank has PIN number to validate the identification of their client.
Plenty British Citizens UK had not a clue, that British Govertment spent their tax payment money to create a software to recognize unemployed low income British Citizens Uk by their electronic signs.
This system had not worked, British Officials JCP asked unemployed people to sign electronically over and over, over, 25 times, not reacted on any words to stop this humilation.
British Laws do not permit any unpaid work inUK< each work must be paid, - here is not slavery.
But British Officials JCP ordered unemployed people to do unpaid work as their own slaves, without any working contract.
To sign a papers is a work, a solicitor charged a lot, some any Director, - so the work of putting electronic signs over 25 times for 1 visit JCP was as fully unpaid work.
Or, JCP Officials had ordered people to print papers to give to them, - so, unemployed people had been obligated to use their own personnel money for needs JCP Officials to see plenty printed papers from Internet. JCP staff refused to pay refunds for the cost of printing work on their demands to unemployed people UK. While all employers JCP had not used their own salaries to pay for printing their work.
It is strange to see, as British people pay taxes, each, to keep unworking British Officials as a social high rank cast, whom took a full political power in Great Britain, saying others what to do or not, ordered to pay a huge money as their salaries, pensions, holidays, etc. (one of British Politician used taxes to cover the cost of prices to look a porno films by own partner).
They use up and up their wages, used a look for presentation of their power.
and as thanks to others, - the humiliation of others by plenty stupid rules, instructions, laws, as they try to put others to agree to be a full controlled slaves.
I read as people wrote their memory about the life in the concentration camps in Germany 1939-1945, whom survived. The Survivors said about plenty smallest orders, making a goal to humilate others to do to stay as a controlled.
But the similar same style of humilation others, was and is from British Officials Job Center Plus in Great Britain to unemployed people, vulnarable poor people, too - they ordered to do somethings stupid over and over, not reacted on words as i do not want to do this.
They ordered me to sign by electronic signs over and over 25 times just for 1 visit. I refused, as enough. But two British Officials were continue to push me to try to sign electronically such way as THEIR OWN SOFTWARE JCP would be able recognize me as me.
I had asked them, having my British Passport, my Driving Licence with photo to use this, - they refused to accept British official documents, British passport to be able to indetificate me as me.
Another time, their British Official Jake said me with a twisted unhappy face, as she would ate some really sore:
- "You are you just on 20% by our electronic recognising software!"
(using to recognise humans UK by THEIR ELECTRONICAL SIGNS).
I asked Jake, as British JCP Officials:
- Well, if so, WHOM would be THE REST as 80% IN ME? By your opinion?
* In Middle Age, plenty British women and men and kids had been killed, blamed to be witches having Devil inside them.
* The sign procedure had been used by medium groups for the contacts for dead people, ghosts, - so, JCP used the some, probably, ideas.
* Plenty people are not able to do the some repatedly - we are not biorobots and robots, s, the idea to recognise humans by their electronical signs, was wrong.
To humilate humans, as clients, British Officials Job Center Plus, as British Citizens UK, installed these electronic pads for electronic signs, on the short lids of uncomfortable distance for signing, - some much too far on left, some much too far on right (people are some left-writing, some right-writing). and they provided uncomfortable plastic pen, each with different %% of damage the end of this pen. They installed software with much too high level of asking to be the some.
No one British juridical organization had been here, to control rights of British Citizens UK, to control, how British state used to treat British Citizens UK.
So, when they ordered somethings, they used to treat more vulnerable social group of British Citizens UK with no any respect to rights, wishes, choices, differences, - it was so great HATE to feel.
For example, before this, people used computers and printers in JCP to find a work, to print CV, covering letter. The free access to a printer and Internet had been closed down.
So, the state install computers and printers to be able to print CV, to find a working place. But in the reality, the access to print CV on their printer was closed down. After, the open if to send own CV on their staff CV prior-they checked, and they printed.
So, if to come, and their staff was not here or busy - no ability and this way to print own CV.
The free access to computers had been closed down too by the installation of a special software, which is much too hard unpractical to use, especially if you need to do and a search work and a e-mailing together.
In each details, so hate of own clients, so hatefulness of all, so untrust all, so humiliation.
So, to be unemployed in UK, - to lean how strong someone in a political power hates all and each and untrust all.
If you think you would really wish to work to pay taxes to keep all them as British unworking Officials, taking power to order things to you, to humiliate you, - I doubt.
if you would walk though their attitude to people as the hatefulness of sadists in a power, you would never bothered t pay taxes to keep them all here happy, never. You would noticed them just as leaches, taking political power, ordering to pay them salaries high rated righter for others here.
See a way of dealing with local social issues things too.
No money in a local budget to keep local schools? hospitals? police?
Their decisions, - to cut scools, hospitals, police.
Stop! But local people need to have their schools, their hospitals, their police locally!
While no one local British people has some needs in a keeping well-paid British Officials, British Politicians, British Councils, or needs for presentation the political power, in a keeping buildings for Council and JCP Officials.
So, prior to close local schools, local hospitals, local police, local fire brigade, as no money in a local budget, - let's close to close down to sale all administrative unnecessary buildings of presentation such political power, which was not able to organize things for locals nicely!
JCP building on the center of towns, would be great to be sold to a private sector to be hotels, as they all in a center of town, making good for all local pubs to have a hotel near them in a center, and working places for locals.
Or, as a social public clubs, a mixture of social clubs, social shelter, social services to help, - CAB, charities, social and physiological help, including free social hostel places, as each person may have the needs of protection to stay safe, - kids, adults, younger, women, men.
Or, for travelers. Or for providing courses. or a mixture of all, as private sector hotel with a sector of social hostel and a private hostel sections.
this way would help to move from a social hostel help in emergency to a private hostel and up.
If local power was not able to find a financial help for local schools, hospitals, etc, - the honest way would be to closed down such places, people, and to move a financial budget to keep Council and JCP building and staff to financial budgets of schools and hospitals.
Any way, local people must to have rights to vote how they wish to arrange finances of their area, but now local people have not rights at all, -just politicians in power had rights to say others about the closure of local schools, but for what? for having more money to keep all local Officials? to present a political power in a region?
Do you need this well-presentation of political power of someone in your area? if them were not able to keep local schools? hospitals?
It is so strange to see a cut and shortage of British Nurses in hospitals, "as here no money to keep all our well-paid British Politicians, Councils, JCP Officials".
I am not able to understand the way of cutting what all people need, but to keep well-presented look of all whom no one here need at all, really, as local Council buildings, salaries.
See, a cut of this and them, would be a good financial idea to move money of taxpayers to keep local schools, hospitals, British Nurses, local Police, local fire brigade to work.
Low income in UK, as a National Minimal Wage or as a Low Income level by Law.
But all officials have their salaries much much high rate righter plenty others here in UK. This created as new social groups as a cast with a huge gap between the political power and all others.
And soon, as British Politicians, British Officials started to put themselves as some special another human race in a political power, - they used to humiliate others, - and this way is a way to create a social revolution.
If you see results of Russian revolution 1917 and Ukrainian Revolution 1917 in Russian Impair, Ukrainian Revolution Maidan in 2014 in Ukraine, - each revolution was always the loss of properties, lives, - a huge humanitarian crises.
Before Russian Revolution 1917, Russian Officials did a lot of their humiliation work on locals, creating a gap and a hatefullness in a society. Their huge productive work as Russian Officials had killed their own state Russian Impair, and their own social group too.
If you see German Officials in Germany 1933-1945, - particular, German Officials, German Police were people, as subjects, creating a mass death of their own taxpayers, and them themselves and their own families too.
If someone said you Hitler killed tens hundreds billions of people living in Europe and in his own country too, - wrong! - not! - There were GERMAN OFFICIALS, GERMAN POLICE IN GERMANY, WHOM were these killers, providing orders, rules, instructions, Laws, organizing the practical way of killings of civilians.
German Jews were taxpayers, loyal to the state Germany, - the loyalty and money had not saved their lives! German Police was one of the main organizer of a process to kill locals! Police! Police Officers, commitment to start to be MURDERS!
See, as to have plenty officials, may be a wrong idea. as to give plenty power, may be a wrong idea. -- if they have much too many political power, they used to stay as ANOTHER HUMAN RACE, WHOM HATE OTHERS SUCH TO KILL ALL.
So, to stay safe, - to control all not to have much too strong power to move to be another human race.
Another example. 2014 year +. Ukraine.
Ukrainian Officials ordered to bomb properties, schools, churches, civilians in their own country Ukraine since 2014 till now.
See, how is really dangerous to have officials, politicians, and still so plenty, and much too political strongest power.
American Politicians and Officials, British Politicians and Officials, European Politicians and Officials, Ukrainian Politicians and Officials find the idea to order to use the military army to bomb properties of civilians, schools with local kids, churches, towns and village, as a fully right rational political idea. So, they all are not a human Homo Sapience race already, as others!
Plenty people started to talk as our planet The Earth had been taken under some evil aliens race, making orders to reduce number of humans, of local Homo Sapience population of planet.
If this so, as the truth, - no one Politician or Official of Council worker of Officer may be treated as a provider of rights and needs Homo Sapience race!
If to take these hypotheses as our planet under a control of another race, putting theirs to represent their wish to reduce numbers of all locals here, - we see the explanation of all wars here.
Normal person would not kill kids and women and men of his own biological race.
Yes, but Politicians ordered t go to wars to kill women, kids, men in wars.
Yes, as they are NOT Homo Sapience race.
Home Sapience.
Home, - Home, House.
Sapience - a man, a person.
Homo Sapience = A Person, living inside his-her-they houses, as their home, - Homo Sapience.
All women are Home Sapience, as they have needs to have to live in their houses, in their home.
All, whom run away, in wars, from their homes, - they are not Home Sapience already, as they had left their own home, - they are another race.
This orders to left own home to go to kill others, civilians, living in their own home, - this way of dealing of another race, which is NOT HOME SAPIENCE.
So, they try to kill Home Sapiences - people, living in their home.
When Officials ordered to women to be soldiers, to leave their houses, homes, - they created, too, samples of another human race which would be not Homo Sapience, as they left their homes.
Each person, woman or man, whom left their houses, relatives, families, kids, home to go to a wars, educated to feel themselves as some special another human race group, more high righter others, - another, - another human race.
Some of them started to feel the distance as a real distance from others, and the ability to kill others, too, - so, a moving to another human race.
It's looking such way, as here plenty human races, while biological science has a fear to declare this, while seeing all evidences each day.
No one biological group males may kill females of their own biological groups, as the nature rules.
Are male wolves killers of females wolves? No?
Some for crocodiles? bears? whales? cats? dogs?
So, let's ask yourselves WHY this strong biological rules stopped to work on humans Homo Sapience?
Why had men, males, killed so plenty women? kids? as all in one biological group Homo Sapiences?
No. No. Women are Homo Sapience humans, when they live in houses, especially, and their small kids too.
Some men may be Homo Sapiences.
But some men may be not Homo Sapiences, - they may be NOT Homo Sapiences, and SO they go to kill women, kids, to bomb to damage other people properties.
More worse, some women are not Homo Sapiences too. and is so, they ordered to their men, males, to go to kill other women and kids.
The creation of people, may be a mix race work of two race in one. a race of Homo Sapiences. and a race of murders of Homo Sapiences, whom just used another race for own goals, - as a food supply, for example.
Including an emotional energetic food supply too.
The software of Job Centre Plus (JCP) had not worked properly to recognise people by their ELECTRONICAL SIGNS.
No one British bank used to recognize own clients by their electronic signs too, - British banks use PIN number and a special bank electronic card.
British private business companies used or pin number, or an special electronic card for employers.
Really serious secret military or intelligent companies used ways of scanning eyes, fingerprints, but JCP used their unproved technology on humans without a permission for this use, so, as experiences on humans against their wishes and agreement.
British Banks gave money to their clients much more righter British Officials JCP as ;73.10/week or less, and British Banks as British private companies do not use such complicated technology to recognize own clients by their electronic signs prior this. Just a wireless till ;30/day, or PIN number protection and electronic card for the recognizing.
See, you pay taxes in British budget to be used for nonworking software at all to recognize humans by their electronic signs in electronic pads.
If you can not understand this, - to recognize humans not by their face look and not by their fingerprint look, - but by some electrical ways, which ALWAYS MUST be THE SOME RATE, - what would be possible just FOR BIOROBOTS only.
See, biorobots, on the some electrical waves rate pattern, not having any differences in fingerprints, if they are production items, - the some face, the some fingerprints, and just some individual the some signal of electrical pattern to recognize them.
I had a fear, as British Officials Job Center Plus started all to blame me in my ability to sign electronically by the way THEIR SOFTWARE would recognized me as me by my electronic signs
- "You are you just in 20% by our programm of recognizing you by your electronic signs sample!"
- Or, much better! Now you are you on 45% by your electronic sign!"
Or they practiced me to sign some false samples of my signs by their own ideas to my sign?
May be THEY bio-robots all? so THEY are not able to recognize humans Homo Sapience by their eyes, looking our faces, eyes?
Really, so strange ideas!
Humans and companies recognizes humans by faces, - they are not.
Companies used PIN number pattern to press - they are not able to use this, for some reasons.
Police used fingerprings scans - JCP Officials looked as they were doubts here, as, probably, all bio-robots must to have the some fingerprints, making impossible to recognise for the factory, producing bio-robots that bio-robots would have different fingerprints.
The communication with Job Center Plus Officials is somethings, which damaged a lot.
I started to doubt after that they are humans as others.
More worse for me was a day when I saw a gladness of sadists to humiliate someone as their slave, - they enjoyed to order to control to humiliate.
I remember this, as a really damaging me to see, to open.
I saw as they felt themselves as another human race.
British Officials did all, so colonies said to British Impair "Enough is enough!" and colonies left British Impair, damaging to see the attitude to people from Officials.
The some people in a political power continue their way, - Scotland said as wanted to live Great Britain, to shrink British state to this true-born in England size state.
British Politicians and British Officials did a huge work to ruin their own state British Impair, their own state Great Britain.
Teresa May had not tried to unit all and each in one British Nation, taking about "migrants" as the equal word to "criminals", while plenty foreign people worked honestly hard in British economy, farmer fields, warehouses, factories, servants, Care Assistants, hospitals.
Plenty British Citizens were from ancestors, or themselves, whom came to live to work in UK, having British Citizenship after 5 years of working, paying taxes, plenty with still their accents of their Ethnic Groups, - and they all fed up to be treated here as a humiliated type of British Citizens UK.
You may work and live in UK for tens years, but still to be treated here as "migrant", having British Citizen and British Passport but as another sort of British Citizens.
Teresa May used and used this words "migrants", to upset plenty hard working people, their kids, grandkids, families, - this way of upsetting plenty British Citizens UK as Teresa Nay's Conservative Tory way to create the country as Great Britain? or the way to create enemies, groups, hate, social revolutions? terracts?
Teresa May is not tried to build The One United British Nation after a Brexit.
Teresa May had not used to talk to close borders from criminals, from transit good stop weapons, explosion.
Teresa May just prefer to RUIN ALL, taking about MIGRANTS, against people, humans, TO CREATE ENEMIES AS HUMAN ENEMIES.
Each British rich person knows as they NEED cheap labors, cheap low payed labors, workers, to work in their business, farmers, warehouses, factories, servants, as free, unpaid, low payed, low righter a low payment.
This way is keeping British prices in shop and superstores low.
Would this Teresa May agree to work for 12 hours night shift on a farmer field factory with no heating, wet, to wash to clean to sort to pack fresh veg and fruit to British Citizens UK for their Christmas Dinner Table Celebration ?
Plenty migrants worked here, where no one Tory Leader would agree, on this salary as NMW minimum.
Packed sandwiches in superstores? Plenty migrants worked, 12 hours night shifts on NMW salaries. While all others British Citizen UK as a true-born in UK British Ethnic slept.
After 5 years of hard work for British economy, people received British Citizenship, Passport, rights for social benefits and protections, but, in the reality, here a some hidden gap in a social protection of British Citizens by their social and Ethnic groups.
As here in UK, we saw plenty British Officials and British Politicians, whom offended people, and still work of locals too, - it is not a surprise to find as some started to feel as ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
I may understand some British Citizens of Muslim religion, as having experiences of a wrong attitude to them from British Officials and locals, which was a humiliation, and so moved to the actions, which is a wrong by laws and criminal by laws and wrong, as people had been killed, but emotionally motivated to say as ENOUGH IS ENOUGH TO HUMILIATE US HERE IN UK as people of 2nd sort of British Citizens.
The problem is the education, plenty British people of true-born in UK British Ethnic acted as some British Nazi.
Plenty people, humiliated by local British Nazi, never called to British Police, looking as here the some local British Nazi, whom will never protect them, but just their own local Nazi friends and knowns.
About London event on ev (evening) 3rd June 2017 in London, area London Bridge, etc.
3 men had been killed by a police for attaching local civilians by cars, and by attacking with the use of knives. 7 locals had been died as a results of attacks,over 48 wounded.
3 men had been killed by a police, all on a time 8 minutes after 1st call to a police for the help.
3 men as whom had attacked public, had knives, and wearing metallic containers, as a fake explosions devices.
See, as an analytic, this strange details of fake explosion device containers, really strange, heavy, not practical.
I see here NOT fake explosions details, - this would be a stupid to care on a criminal activities events, as a weight, a heavy weight. But as the imitation of a protection shield, which all soldiers and police officers used from bullets. and this point and sign and mark, put all people as possible ex-police officers or possible ex-soldiers. and more serious case to start to investigate all. I doubt, ex-soldiers or ex-police officers would start to kill civilians suddenly, just if they had been themselves victims as objects of experience on humans themselves, from some military-spying intelligence-private criminals organizations or groups.
I am not able to understand why British Police Snipers Unit in London used TO KILL all these 3 men.
Why had British Snipers not used the shooting technology to shot into a leg? to stop to move? in a palm-hand? if here was a knife or something? or just a sleeping pill bullets? moving all 3 adult men to sleep straight? ???
All 3 men were being RESOURCES OF THE INFORMATION to links, organizers, plans, events, financial bases, saw faces, might knew names, plans, THE INFORMATION.
I find a really strange British technology of sniper unit to kill unweaponed resource of the information, having no explosion devices or weapons.
This is so strange to see as British Snipers used to clean to kill 3 resources of the information connected to events on 3rd June 2017 in London.
British Laws had not a death penalty.
Just British Court, Judge has a right to name a person a criminal, to put a penalty.
I was saw upset to see victims as civilians here, ordered to be treated all as possible criminals, so, to up their palms up, to walk such.
I was shocked to see videos as civilians, women too, had been treated by British Police as some criminals, just as they had been here, in this area, - the orders and civilians and women walked, with their palms up.
It was so shocking strange look of treatment of victims.
People had been shocked, as just someone tried to kill plenty civilians here, and on the top of this, treated as criminals themselves, with palms up walking.
This was so shocking.
Another point.
Here plenty experience, military, for intelligent, etc, for a control people.
Some tried to do bio-robots on programs, using
2) NLP
Military wanted controlled bio-robots.
Secret state intelligent and private intelligent companies may have goals of working to create some as a programmed controlled bio-robots too, with a cleanest memory and over-reading memory and commands as a programs.
Really, and this event in London on 3rd June 2017 might be just an open field experience for a producing controlled bio-robots, to check how far they will go? had the technology would work? and for advising their technology "success" in a producing bio-robots.
3 men had used some metallic containers to wear on their bodies, as the fake containers for exploses. the fake, as empty.
Can imagine 3 serious adults men with plans to produce much damage, having containers for exploses for this their goal, but not used this at all? just wearing to have more heavy weight? to be easily recognized by any metal-detector too? so, to be found easily?
So, if they would wanted to produce explosions, - they would did this, would they? But they looked as they had not planned to produce any explosions at all, so, they had the fake explosions, just a container, empty container.
But I know, as some type of professionals, - Soldiers, Police Officers, - they have their HABIT to use a protected special shied, protected their bodies from bullets.
So, fake explosions might be the fake imitation of special protected shield for their bodies from bullets.
But as this habits for soldiers, for police officers, so I started to think as may be they had been some soldiers or some police officers? ex-?
But as soldiers and police officers would not started to kill civilians as that was, but may be they started as they had been a target as used human resource for experiences on humans?
Some criminal and state secret society organization practice to kill their own members if these members did a mistake or were not able to win some battle.
I try to say as hard to say to be sure what was in the reality in London on 3rd June 2017.
See, British Police Snipers killed 3 unweaponed men? while British Laws do not permit to kill any criminals?
See, British Police Snipers killed 3 resources of THE INFORMATION, - 3 resources of he information.
Whom had ordered to kill 3 resources of the information to British Police Officers?
Any trained sniper might shoot in leg to stop to walk to move, in palm, or to use a special sleeping pill bullet, just to put any to sleep.
But they prefer to kill 3 resources of the information, and to find the information from a public and from the investigators.
Really strange.
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, from Great Britain
"Some political thoughts about UK situation, shortly", publicity, the article on news from London on 3-4 June 2017
From news, coming after.
1) On Russian
"20:33, 5 июня 2017
"Скотланд-Ярд назвал имена двух лондонских террористов"/ "Одним из террористов, устроивших атаку в Лондоне вечером 3 мая, был 27-летний Хурам Шазад Бутт, другим — 30-летний Рашид Редуан. Об этом сообщает Скотланд-Ярд на своей странице в Twitter. Как уточняет Reuters, Бутт — выходец из Пакистана, получивший британский паспорт. Ранее он уже попадал в поле зрения спецслужб, в частности, контрразведки, однако указаний на то, что он готовит террористическую атаку, не было. Как пояснили следователи, второй преступник — Редуан — полиции известен не был. Работа по идентификации третьего участника атаки продолжается." "Ранее 5 июня сообщалось, что следователи, работающие по делу о теракте в Лондоне, установили личности всех нападавших. Вечером 3 июня трое мужчин «южной внешности», как описали их очевидцы, на микроавтобусе наехали на пешеходов около Лондонского моста, затем добрались до рынка Боро, где вышли из машины и с ножами напали на прохожих. Жертвами этой атаки стали семь человек, 48 получили ранения. Злоумышленники, совершившие нападение, были застрелены сотрудниками правоохранительных органов."
"Следователи, работающие по делу о теракте в Лондоне, установили личности троих нападавших. Об этом сообщает BBC News." "По словам представителей правоохранительных органов, их имена будут обнародованы сразу, как позволит оперативная обстановка. В настоящее время полицейские пытаются выяснить, не являлись ли исполнители нападения членами более крупной и разветвленной террористической сети."
(*to kill to do search or to leave alive to ask to do a search, would be here some diffrences?)
(*they killed 3 resources of the information, which is sounding so strong).
On English
coming later. the investigation is on the process.
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