W. H. Auden - They Wondered Why The Fruit Had Been
Им было странно, что тот плод запретен,-
Обычный фрукт. Не слушая отца,
В ответ кивали, пока были дети,
Надеясь на себя, - два гордеца.
Из памяти всё стёрлось - всё, что знали,
В тот день, когда свой покидали дом:
Язык собак теперь не понимали,
И шёпот ручейка был незнаком.
Пошли скандалы, плач: свободы вкус
Был дик, а восхожденье к возмужанью
Всё круче - соблазнительней искус,
Всё больше риск и кара; меньше - света.
А путь обратно был за ослушанье
Закрыт для правоведа и поэта.
They Wondered Why The Fruit Had Been Forbidden
They wondered why the fruit had been forbidden:
It taught them nothing new. They hid their pride,
But did not listen much when they were chidden:
They knew exactly what to do outside.
They left. Immediately the memory faded
Of all they known: they could not understand
The dogs now who before had always aided;
The stream was dumb with whom they'd always planned.
They wept and quarrelled: freedom was so wild.
In front maturity as he ascended
Retired like a horizon from the child,
The dangers and the punishments grew greater,
And the way back by angels was defended
Against the poet and the legislator.
W. H. Auden
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