RAP Battle - TLC -

The Lyrical Cartel means asymmetrical warfare/ We have more flare than all of them so called RAPpers combined/TLC will comb through them finely/Ultimately we`ll place them under our feet/We have the toughest skin and the highest Creed/ When we meet for fun you better run/Blaming you slow feet you should not/Flat footed you are that`s hot!/I see now the real reason for your existence/ You blame parts of your body for your miserable stance/We`ll dance with you in a lyrical romance/You`ll be our bitch/You`ll better get ready to stitch your pussy hole/Your role is to pleasure us strobing/Our eyes will start rolling/We`ll forget `bout you for a second/Then you`ll have a chance to run away for a Guinness record/ I`ll teach you a lesson, my style is that of an Aggressor!/ Like a college professor I`ll pull a confession out your soul, mauling your Aces/ you`ll go crazy like having been maced  without a gas mask on your face drooling all over the place/ let me beat the drum base/ War hammer`s stemming my tremor but feeding your terror/
