Your story

Вдохновило : The boy and girl Ротор Статор

This life is nothing but a waterfall
There was a boy who met a pretty girl
They played together in a box of sand
And walked the street together hand in hand

The time passed on, they grew a little bit
When they were meeting their hearts would beat
And as it goes forever in this life
The boy and girl became a man and wife

He built a house, she turned it to a dream
And they were carried by the daily stream
They worked together for the things they miss
And solved their problems with a hug and kiss

Time flew so fast and they have both turned old
But their smiles were worth much more than gold
They saw their children come to life and grow
But winter came and covered them with snow

This is a story of how things should be
In real life, with real you and me
A happy moment never comes for free
The boy and girl are buried under tree


Your story

The story you have told
Is neither new nor old,
But it’s unique and nice,
It melts my inborn ice.
And I feel I will try
To do as you’ve described …

I'd like to drink honey with your lips

Сергей Чепурин   24.02.2020 17:33     Заявить о нарушении
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