My angel is in tears today

My angel is in tears today,
The one whom, so many times he saved,
Forever with him to part.
He no longer believes in him,
And it is unlikely that he will return to his bosom.
And when I was ill,
Through him I turned to God,
Protection and assistance requested.
When I was killed,
Doors in the comfort zone were closed,
I called him best friend,
Return, tearfully asked.
You never know,
Of what wells, have to drink.
There are not so many of them,
And in a circle there is a road,
And when everything is so familiar,
Because everything is connected by God,
Maybe here, I already was.
Evil forces do not disappear,
They leave us for the time being,
They hide in the shadows of the forest,
So that for the fires of inner experiences,
The furrows still have to be brought.
Where is my angel,
What will soothe me,
In the fateful hour,
Wings, embrace me,
Everything will finish here for me.
The audience leaves the theater,
They hurry home,
And they carry with them,
My paradise and my little hell,
My angel, which we gave to them, was given to you.
