Black and White

***************Black and White******************

Sweet dreams.... but in the morning in sweat I scream.
Sweet cries..... but next day they feel like broken glass
And I am left about you fantasize .
I do realize that the fakeness of the ecstasy that clouds my eyes,
But the warmth of your body is the perfect disguise.

These are busy days.
Your ways are an unsolved maze.
Your lips are untouched by a man's kiss.
Your caress -  that's what I miss.

On the phone you tell stories
But the wires carry only your empty smell into my hungry nose.
You are so not close.
I can't see you but yet I can feel you.
The memory in my fingers longs for more info from your skin pores.

Maybe you are an open book,
But for me you are an unread novel
With an exotic title and a fancy cover.
With black and white pictures
Where there is no need for more color.

You are the author and the main heroin.
Do I need special glasses to understand what you mean?
