The Song of Oleg the Brave

(translated from Russian)

Now's hailing to arms Russian sovran Oleg
To venge unrequited damage,
To punish barbarians paying 'em back
A tribute of fire and ravage.
Ahead of his dazzling cavalry corps
He's proudly making his way to the war

And comes unto him on a sombrous road
A seer, the wisest of sages
Inspired obedient servant of God
Foreteller of coveted ages
His life-time in prayers and sorcery spent
And up to the wizard the warrior went

- Respond, holy hermit, don't fear my sword -
My foe - when he triumphs in yelling?
I promise, you take any horse as reward
For any of your fortune-telling.
How long will it be, tell me truly, before
Death finally plunges me into his maw?

- A mage has no fear of powerful reigns
Nor does he accept a donation,
The verdict of Heaven he only proclaims
In keeping with High destination.
Though years to come show vaguely now,
I clearly see them on marvellous brow

Now, listen, oh knight, you shall happily wield
Thine name shall be constantly noble,
You' ll hoist to the gate thine victorious shield
Of ancient Constantinople
Thine glory unfailing on land and on sea
And all outlanders' re jealous of thee.

If caught in a boat by a threacherous storm
You shall be invariably spared
And neither by blusterous boisterous foam
Nor merciless fight overbeared:
For you no brand or sly dagger can slay -
It seemes to be Fortune's benevolent play.

Thine horse is accustomed to dangerous work
An's got a most dutiful mettle,
He eagerly follows imperious yerk
In thunderous roar of a battle,
He's utterly perfect to ride or to lead
But, Prince, you shall come to the rest by the steed.

Oleg gave a laugh, yet he frowned in thought
His reasons at once in a caddle
Then all of a sudden he silently got
From gorgeous diamondy saddle
And dolorously with a farewell smack
Caresses his pet on the satiny neck

And grievous farewell word sayest he:
-Alas! We must now be parted
For good. So never again you should be
'Gainst hords of barbarians started.
Farewell, you my solace, we' ll ever stay friends,
Look after the horse, you my beautiful lads.

Take him to my medows, set him to rest
Give him a reliable keeper
Both careful and watchful, feed him on the best
Of corn, let him bathe in the Dneeper.
Immediat'ly servants unsaddled the horse,
Prince changed on another and followed forth.


Now wassails Oleg with his retinue. They
Recall every wondrous story
Just like oftentimes, only hair turned grey
To equal silvery glory;
Belligerent songs sturdy soldiers sing
And pass on a round a chalice of ling.

- But how's my friend, says Oleg, wher's my horse?
He must be as larky as whilom
Is springy and easy his pace? I suppose
He's well in his lonely asylum?
And harks to the answer: untroubled and still
'Ts a time that he sleepeth aloof on a hill.

The face of the knight bore dispirited stamp
- How come? Is it all but a fiction?
Ye thaumaturge! Abject, deceitfil old tramp!
I should have defied your prediction,
I should have pooh-poohed you straight in response.
With this he desires to look at the bones.

So out Oleg and prince Igor proceed
The lot onto vastness goes
And view: on a bank through the thicket of weed
The skeleton woefully shows
Now washed by a pour, now powdered with dust
The verdure lamenting in time to a gust.

Oleg set his foot on the relics and said
- In calmness be resting remotely.
The destiny chose you the first to be dead
But I will be following shortly.
However, my friends at the sorrowful feast
Will slaughter some alien sacrifical beast.

Veracious was unavertable claim!
From murderous lurksome mound
Deranged by kingly step there came
Insidious whispery sound:
Black slippery ribbon, unfortunate luck -
The baleful serpent creeped out and struck.

The Russians are gathered for final repast,
For clamorous noisy carouse;
Prince Igor and Olga sit out in the vast,
The fizz spatters high in a rouse;
Lugubrous songs sturdy soldiers sing
And pass on a round a chalice of ling.


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