Bibigon meets a goblin

As I was walking in the bog
I found myself in thick white fog;
I dreamt of dandelion fields,
Of noble knights, and bloody shields.
I met a goblin there, of course,
Big feet, and eyes, and ears, and nose;
“Do you believe in God?” he asked.
It was a deadly easy task –
“I do believe in God,” I said,
“Do let me go, mighty lad!”
The beast reminded me of bear:
The ugly shape, the hungry stare.
“I’ll let you go on condition,
You help me with my dirty mission!
 I have to get a dozen eggs
Of dragonflies,” the monster begs,
“Ten dozen little boys and girls,
All lovely dresses, lovely curls,
Some multi-coloured guinea-pigs,
Some golden goblets, dusty wigs,
Duck feathers need we and dogs’ tails.
Man gets them where the goblin fails.”
“Why do you need this varied stuff?”
I wondered ready now to laugh.
The goblin gladly gave his tale:
“My dear granny’s got all pale
Of all good omens she receives,
Too weak to die, too bored to live!
She gobbles drops from dawn till night
Of dragons’ tears and elfin light,
Her sadness doesn’t go away,
Too weak to go, too bored to stay!
Now, being her beloved grandson
I need to bring her back the fun!
The doctor has prescribed a drug,
But I have found not a bug!”
He raised his ugly hands to sky,
Began to scream, began to cry,
He dropped to ground in his grief,
“I’m just a goblin, not a thief!”
“I’ll help you, friend,”- I told his back,
“To get the goods you greatly lack,
But why d’you need so many kids?”
“My grandma plays with them and feeds,”
The answer didn’t sound true –
My fears and my doubts grew.
“I’ve got a grandma too,” I said,
“Right now she is going mad:
I’ve never been so late to dine,
They both are worried, yours and mine!
The stuff you need is in my land,
Not in this bog, you understand?
You see me off to native town
And I will never let you down:
I’ll be here at the break of day,
Too sad to go, so glad to stay!”
“All righty then, but if you lie,
You won’t have time to say goodbye,”
The creature murmured, “Off you go
To gorgeous hills that stand in row,
The ferns will lead you, green and grey,
And birds will show you the way.”
I hurried readily away,
Too glad to go, too scared to stay,
And told my granny not a word,
All night I sharpened my great sword,
Collected bravery and might:
I had to win the deadly fight,
To save the little boys and girls,
All lovely dresses, lovely curls…
At break of day I went to bog,
But there was no thick white fog,
I met no goblin there, of course,
I killed the ferns with might and force,
Then waited, called him by his name,
But from the bog no answer came.
I noticed not a trace of him,
My hunger great, my hopes dim,
I hurried home at sunset red,
Where I was cared for and fed,
And I forgot the wicked fog,
The hairy goblin, scary bog…
Sometimes I think I hear him cry,
My eyes wide open, mouth dry,
I find my sharp and fair sword,
I tell my granny not a word,
In dandelions hide my head
And lie in wait for mighty lad!
I see a kitten lick its cream,
My puppy hunting in its dream,
A dragonfly in spider’s web,
My goblin riding in a cab…
I haven’t met him to this day,
And yet I’m still alive, HURRAY!!!
