A Car Accident

I was driving along a deserted country road late at night. I was in high spirits because I had recently bought a nice country house at a reasonable price. The sky was cloudless and the Moon was full.
Suddenly I heard a strange noise in the engine, so I decided to stop and check what the matter was. Frankly speaking, I’m not much of a mechanic. I felt some parts of the engine, found nothing missing or broken and returned to my driver’s seat full of self-esteem.
After that I pressed the ignition, but the car wouldn’t start. I checked the oil and the brakes, stamped on the accelerator, pulled the gear lever, but nothing happened again. The car sniffed a couple of times, vibrated all over, but refused to move an inch.
It was a hopeless situation and only a miracle could help me. The ‘miracle’ turned out to be a long-bearded villager returning from a party who felt sorry for me and took me to his home. The car was left on the road of course.
As the mechanic explained to me later, if I hadn’t stopped the car then and kept on driving, nothing terrible would have happened. So, curiosity killed the cat…

А я, наивный, всё перевода жду...
С уважением.

Сергей Суворов 60   01.04.2017 20:57     Заявить о нарушении
Честно говоря, я не думал, что отсутствие переводов кого-то может обидеть. Это просто альтернативные тексты в помощь изучающим язык. Я сам по молодости не мог без ужаса читать всякую хрень про виды Лондона или Берлина. Если в семье есть ученик или студент, то он без особого труда сможет их перевести со словарем.
С уважением, Рамиро Л-Т.

Рамиро Лебедев-Толмач   02.04.2017 13:27   Заявить о нарушении
Да я и не думал обижаться, просто жалею, что иностранные языки не учил.

Сергей Суворов 60   02.04.2017 21:01   Заявить о нарушении