Good Health?

     Somebody jogs in the morning, somebody shoots in his vein hoping to get high, somebody drinks loads of milk. All of them hope to live up to a hundred. That is quite possible, if the syringe is clean enough, of course.
    Anyway, if your bones are brittle and you are prone to fractures you should drink milk as much as possible. Or at least eat dairy products from time to time. In this case for you it’s a must.
    As for me, I don’t take any special measures. As my great-grandma used to say after her third divorce “Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is”. At 91 she is still alive and kicking phoning her new boyfriend (76, former ranger, no pager) every ten minutes asking for a date. As to her poor husbands they turned out to be losers and luckily they all kicked the bucket. I highly respect my granny Matilda so I do my morning exercises, play sports with my friends and don’t party till 3 o’clock in the morning every weekend. So, that is it.
