Brians Story

My cousin Brian is a very strange boy. He never looks where he is going because he is very absent-minded. Well, one day he was returning from a party. It was winter and it was dark, I'd say pitch-dark. Brian's hands and legs were shaking from cold. But not only, as you can guess. Suddenly a strong wind blew off his hat. As it was pretty cold, Brian wanted to put his hat back. Well, he bent a little and stretched his hand to get it. No way! So he bent lower – still no result. You won't believe it, but while he was doing it, he dropped his glove from his pocket. No wonder Brian became very angry. Do you want to know how it all ended? OK, not today. Maybe tomorrow. Now I must be off. Take care!
Hello, you still want to hear about Brian? Come on, he is such a jerk! O.K., O.K. Nobody is perfect. Where was I? You are right, a glove fell from his pocket. His face got red, he uttered a lot of big bad words and luckily nobody heard him. Finally, he decided to kiss good–bye to his personal effects and turned to go home. Unfortunately, as his legs were quite weak, he lost his balance and fell too. As a result he broke his leg.
Now he is in hospital. He doesn't need his gloves. He can forget about his hat. (No nurse will pay attention to your hat if she really wants to give you a BIG shot).
All in all, he needs only his heavy crutches. Look, Brian, give up drinking and stay at home after nine!

Я не знаю, где вы живете, но у Вас очень литературный "Бонк" -овский английский, то есть выученный по учебнику Бонк и соавторы. Рассказы хороши. Их можно включать в учебники по английскому.
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Ирина Лебеденко   30.07.2017 13:18     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо. Они и задумывались, как учебные. Хотя меня здесь за них обычно поругивают. Так что вдвойне приятно!

Рамиро Лебедев-Толмач   30.07.2017 21:32   Заявить о нарушении