Tracy s Son Kevin

                Kevin 1
     Kevin is still a little boy. He lives in quite a big city but he doesn’t remember its name. Maybe it’s London or Paris. OK, let’s hope it’s not Kabul.
     Kevin has his own room. Like all little children he has a lot of toys, cars and soldiers in his room. He doesn’t go to school yet. He likes comics but he can’t read or write. His cousin Betty sends him a letter every week. Now what? When he is big enough he will write her millions of letters.
     From time to time his parents read him one or two letters. Frankly speaking, Betty is such a bore ... No wonder, Kevin prefers when Tracy is reading him children’s books. His favourite book is about Cinderella. Kevin promises his parents to marry her when he grows up. How do you like it, eh?
                Kevin 2
     As you know from our previous story Cindy is Kevin’s ideal. So now, every time he meets a new girl, first of all he asks her name. If it is not Cindy (Jane, for example) he yawns and turns his back to her. If Jane starts crying, Kevin simply shrugs his shoulders and sighs heavily. But his heart remains cold.
     In case Tracy is nearby she doesn’t know what to do. She can only look helplessly at him. In his turn, Kevin is not ashamed, he is just sick and tired of silly young ladies. Nobody knows how to make Linda or Carol happy. Why should he know?
     Anyway, Kevin doesn’t want his parents to worry about him and his future. So, from time to time he lets some nice girls talk to him. He doesn’t make compliments, he simply listens and nods his head to show his interest. He seems to be attentive but his eyes are not smiling and his heart is not burning. If you want peace in your family, you must do what you are expected to...
