Nick and his Friends

  Nick is an English boy. He is Tina’s son. He is nine years old. He goes to school every day, but he doesn’t like it. He is not clever enough for school as his parents say. He likes animals. He has two cats. He wants to have a tiger too, but who will let him buy one? Of course he would get better marks at school, if his teachers met his tiger, at least once. Sweet dreams...
  And now he gets only bad marks because nobody is afraid of his cats. One of his cats, Pussy, is still a little kitten. If Nick gives her a lot of food every day, one day she will grow very big and fat. And perhaps all his teachers will be afraid of her. But now she is very small and Nick has to do his homework every day. What a life...

                Mr Twister
  Mr Twister is Nick’s English teacher. He has had a lot of pupils but Nick is unique. If you say Nick is lazy, you’ll make him a compliment. Oh no, he is extremely lazy. Nick never writes his exercises, he seldom learns his lessons. But he still attends his classes. What for? Nobody knows it.
  Nick likes to frighten his teacher telling him about his big and hungry tiger. He also says he keeps a young grey dragon in one of his barns. But where does he keep his record book? Mr Twister wants to see his record book and his parents one day, but all his hints fall on Nick’s deaf ears. What a shame...
  Oscar is Nick’s friend. He’s known him all his life. And all his life he couldn’t understand Nick. How can such a lazy boy have so many wild dreams? Nick doesn’t like school but is crazy about animals. If Nick sees a bug or a mole, he takes it home and feeds it all day long till it dies from indigestion. But Nick doesn’t want to become a vet, he wants to be a tiger-tamer. Why not a fire-eater or a snake-charmer? Ha-ha.
  Oscar wants to become a writer. He has a special notebook where he puts down some interesting information about his friends. Many people can pay a lot of money for it. For example, Inspector Ferret or Don Carlo. It’s so nice when someone needs you!
