Inspector Ferret

     Inspector Homer Ferret is a police detective. All his colleagues respect him very much. His boss Mr Bribes takes off his hat to Homer. Everybody knows how strict he could be to criminals. His work record has proven it many times.
     Dozens upon dozens of robbers and gangsters cry bitterly if you simply say his name aloud. Walter, for example, has dreadful nightmares after he sees his picture.
     But as Mr Bribes says Homer can find a way to each person’s soul, be it a hardened convict or a little baby. Actually from time to time Mr Ferret meets a small boy whose name is Oscar. You won’t believe it but Oscar knows too much about everyone around him. Moreover he has a nice notebook for his ‘philosophical’ observations.
     Oscar promised to give it to his Big Friend for two hundred dollars (no checks, of course). Being a wise man Homer has a hiding place in his toilet where he keeps some money for special purposes. Unfortunately his wife Mama Rama always searches him before he leaves for work.
     In case she finds a new banknote in his pocket, he’ll have to spend ten weeks in hospital again. If only Oscar knew what risks Mr Ferret could run to get hold of his notebook...
