Police and Mr Krendle

     As you know, Americans, who like to travel, are very curious people. No wonder, one of them, Michael Scott Krendle, was photographing a Moscow bridge one morning. Thank God, Russian security guards know their job well. As a result, Michael was detained for a short interrogation after he’d taken a few shots. The KGB officers grilled (мурыжили) Krendle like a fat chicken for several hours but even with three teeth left, he didn’t plead guilty.
Russian officers are very kind people, so they didn’t kill him and let him go (to the dentist’s.
    At the police Krendle said he was a member of the Union of Catholic Churches. It’s strange, but nobody knows about such a union in Moscow. Another thing is: Why is it illegal to photograph railway bridges in Russia? Anyway Mr. Krendle wasn’t (seriously) hurt. He didn’t even become a cripple. So let’s hope that more and more curious tourists from America will come to our hospitable country with their Fuji cameras. They will have a lot of fun and our dentists won’t die from starvation. So, WELCOME TO RUSSIA, LADIES and GENTS.

Fuck the police! Comin' straight from the underground
A young nigga got it bad ‘cause I'm brown
And not the other color, so police think
They have the authority to kill a minority.

Черное Облако Над Будапештом   19.03.2017 16:30     Заявить о нарушении
Hey, man, I was just kidding. That guy left Russia alive and kicking. Don't take it so close to your heart!
Best wishes. Yours Ramiro L-T/

Рамиро Лебедев-Толмач   21.03.2017 14:55   Заявить о нарушении
It's part of the songs the band NWA, just remembered.
Nothing serious. с:

Черное Облако Над Будапештом   21.03.2017 15:16   Заявить о нарушении