A Letter From Malta

Dear fellow students.
We are having a lovely time here in Malta. But the weather is awful. The temperature is about 40 degrees Centigrade. We are staying in a swell one-star hotel called «Jolly Roger». No lifts, no room service, no air conditioning, in other words, we are close to nature. To crown it all, we have marvellous views of the local garbage cans. As to the smell – it’s fantastic!
Killing the time is one of the local peculiarities. The other day we went to a second–hand food shop. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the name of the shop-assistant, maybe it was Antonio or Antonia. Frankly speaking that unisex style is killing me. As to the shop itself, it was called «The Last Straw» and I still wonder why. Anyway we bought everything dirt-cheap there and had a royal feast afterwards.
As a result, Henry is in hospital, Jack goes everywhere with a roll of toilet paper. Well, as for me, I am losing my weight with every hour and I can’t help it! I’ll tell you more – I’m only hoping to find someone alive from our tourist group to help me out of this stinking morgue.
And you, guys, did you have a nice time in Magadan?
P.S. Please, send me some money (better all in bills of high denomination) for Henry’s funeral. He was such a nice chap, but he used to eat too much, you know.
All my love
on behalf of the deceased
Henry and Jack.
(still alive) Amelia.
