Givi and His Friends

  Givi is a Georgian boy. He lives in Georgia, but it is not in America. You know where it is. He has a father, a mother, two brothers and two sisters. He also has two grandmas and three grandpas. They all live in the mountains in Sotsivi Street. They have a house near a short mountain river. Around the house there is a garden, a garage and a shed. They have a vineyard in the garden and a big dog in the kennel. The doggie’s name is Ambal.
  Their house is not very big, it has only twelve rooms. They also have a cellar. There are a lot of sheep in the shed and only three cars in the garage. There is a 50-metre-long swimming-pool behind the house to say nothing of the palms around it.
  Givi’s mother doesn’t work - she keeps the house. She gets up at 5 a.m. and goes to bed at 1 a.m. Givi’s father doesn’t work either - he keeps the family. He gets up at 10 a.m. and if he receives guests, he doesn’t go to bed at all. Givi’s eldest brother Vano doesn’t work because he’s a great artist, as he says. He gets up at 11 a.m. and never goes to bed early. Givi’s eldest sister Suliko (39) doesn’t work because she is a lady. She says that her husband must work, but she has no husband yet. She wakes up at 11 a.m. but gets up at 1 p.m. She can read and write, but nobody ever saw her do it.
  Givi has a lot of cousins, uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews. They all live nearby. Givi’s uncle Zurab is a cop. He has a big gun and a very fast police car. Givi’s cousin Avtandil is always in prison, but he left his picture. Givi’s aunt Sufico is a school director. Givi likes his aunt but doesn’t like school. Givi’s nephew Gogi and niece Maia are always in the river. They like to be in there instead of school. Givi can’t swim because he is afraid of water - so he goes to school six days a week. What a life!
  Givi has a neighbour. His name is Zviad. Zviad is an engineer, his wife is a teacher. Their son is a historian. They have a very small house with 2 rooms and no toilet at all. They have neither a garage nor a swimming-pool. They only have an old bike. They work day and night but they are very poor.
  Nevertheless, they say they are happy. Well, some people are really strange.
