Merlin and Dolphin

     Merlin is a very old magician. He is very experienced. He can make a mountain out of a molehill if you ask him to. No doubt, he can’t do it in a jiffy (we are not in Hollywood, after all), it’ll take some time. And, like it or not, he needs somebody else to help him.
     Luckily Merlin doesn’t work alone. Mr Dolphin is his assistant. Of course he is still wet behind his ears because he is just a beginner. Anyway Merlin tries to be a good teacher and from time to time explains his little tricks to him.
     Formally he is an architect, at least he claims to be one in his tax-return. In fact, everybody knows how good he is at magic. So many people come to his place seeking for help. As you can guess, Merlin doesn’t jump for joy when he sees dozens of visitors around his house every morning. So he prefers to receive letters instead.
                Merlin and Dolphin
     Last week Merlin had an unpleasant experience. His assistant, Mr Dolphin, had been drinking like a fish for 6 straight days, broke his chief’s special equipment and sang local folk songs out of tune late at night.
     His speech was not clear, his hands were shaking, his eyes were red and, to crown it all, he was wet all over.
     Like all patient people, Merlin tried to bring him to reason many times, but all in vain. But why didn’t he resort to his magic, you may ask? Yes, he is a first-rate magician, but he doesn’t work wonders.
     Especially, when your former partner, whom you trusted your innermost secrets, brings discredit to your profitable business. When he accuses you of being a swindler in public. So, for all we know, Merlin had to fire Mr Dolphin.
     Bad news travels fast. Pretty soon everybody knew Merlin was alone and dozens upon dozens of promising young men knocked at his wooden door. But who can understand a magician’s soul? If a real pro wants to succeed in his trade, he must be unpredictable. So Merlin decided to have it his own way...
