Aunt Polly and Jennifer

                Aunt Polly
     Polly is Tracy’s neighbour. She is forty-two and she is a very unhappy woman. She has no children or husband now. Listen to her life story.
     Her first husband was a carpenter. He was always late from work and always drunk. So one day she said good-bye to him. Her second husband was a turner. His hands were usually dirty as well as his jokes. No wonder she said good-bye to him too.
     Her next husband, Jim, was a high society man, a musician. He sang in a pop group, wore a T-shirt, blue jeans and his favourite word was ‘‘psychedelic’’. In fact Polly never knew what it meant, but she was very proud of her last husband. Two years passed. One morning Jim packed his suitcases and said he was going to Nirvana. She’d never heard about such a country, anyway it could be a good chance for him. So, he kissed Polly, put fifty dollars in her pocket and left for ever. Four years later he was found dead in his new girlfriend’s flat.
     Polly didn’t cry, she put his only picture in a golden frame, sold his guitar to a junkman and started attending a judo club. Frankly speaking, she hates all men now. Even her judo instructor feels it and can’t hide his sudden fear when she is just looking at him.
     At forty-two she is a professional divorcee, has no steady job and no rosy prospects. Only God knows what lies before her...

     Jennifer is aunt Polly’s niece. She lives a long way from Polly and frankly speaking she is not sorry about it. Her aunt has been married for several times and each time her choice left much to be desired.
     Larry was Polly’s first husband. When Jennifer first saw him she decided he was a pilot. She came to such a conclusion because he always spoke about different planes. As it turned out he was simply a carpenter, maybe a good one. Who knows? He gave Jennifer a short log which he called Pinocchio and paid no more attention to her.
     Polly’s second husband Roger seemed to be a real tycoon because all his stories were about oil. Bad luck again: turners never sell oil by tankers.
     Jim was Polly’s last husband. Everybody is sure he was a special man - choppers instead of planes, interviews, pyjama parties and what not. Jennifer can’t even imagine how Polly got him, maybe she brought some order into his life. But two years later Jim got bored and dumped her like a broken doll.
     Strange as it may seem, Polly managed to get over such a loss. Now she is a martial artist and walks only along dark streets. Be careful, Freddie Kruger!
