Olga s Summer Holidays

(A new Russian Fairy Tale)

Usually I spend my summer holidays in the country. There’s nothing like country-side you know: fresh air, out-door games, lots of booze and no Moscow pals around.
But this summer my family and I went abroad. The reason was quite simple: my father became a rich businessman. Of course it didn’t happen in one day – he had to work hard for a week. As a result he earned a lot of money. The funny thing was that they didn’t even put him in prison for it. Being a reasonable man Dad wasn’t sure that he would be so lucky next time. So we thought it would be stupid not to go to Spain.
As I see it now, he wanted to have something to boast about to his future cellmates. Personally I prefer to travel by train, but this time we went by airplane. I'm very superstitious and I'm afraid to step aboard a plane. But this flight was a success.
Maybe the terrorists were late and couldn’t catch a taxi. Or perhaps they were so nervous that they left their guns at home. I can even assume that the pilots were not blind drunk and knew what they were doing.
One thing is for certain: our everyday life is full of miracles and we are just too lazy to notice them. No wonder when I left the plane in Mallorka I nearly cried from happiness. Oh God, we did it! WE DID IT!!!!
We checked in at the hotel “Caramba” and we were very lucky with the weather, which surprised me too. We lay in the sun from dusk till dawn, went swimming in the sea and went on a binge in the pubs. Sometimes the heat was oppressive, so we went to cool off very often.
I made a lot of friends there. There were people from many European countries. No doubt there were lots of Russians too, but do you need a horror story or a sweet one? If you choose the latter, listen to what I say and don’t ask silly questions! Where was I? Ah yes…
All the tourists from Norway, France and Germany could speak English. And as you can guess, I had an opportunity to practise my English too. We also did a lot of sights and I took a great number of pictures.
Two weeks passed very quickly. Now it’s autumn. I'm back in Moscow. Mum is in Hawaii on business. Dad is in Magadan. I miss him a lot. Sometimes I send him letters with our summer photos. When my baby is fifteen I hope he’ll see his grandpa and they’ll fly together to Spain. Life goes on…   
