Longish Mick

  LM is a professional killer. He is jobless now because all his victims are still alive.
  Mick’s left eye squints and his right eye is half-blind. He likes brandy, no wonder his hands are often shaking. He is very lazy, so he is always late for his work.
  Mick doesn’t like to get up early, he doesn’t like to go shopping, he also hates to cook. His rifle is always dirty because he forgets to clean it before his work.
  LM lost his telescopic sight a long time ago, so when he shoots, he is sure to miss. Some time ago he bought a pair of glasses, but it didn’t help much. All his friends advise him to buy a slingshot, but he only laughs.
     When Mick is out of work, he starts drinking. He can drink for many days and not only milk, as you can guess. When he stops drinking, he has depression. Many times he tried to commit suicide during his fits of depression, but each time he missed.
  Needless to say, Mick is constantly in debt, so he has to work overtime. Sometimes he meets his future victims and asks for some money, but nobody is afraid of him, so he doesn’t get it.
  Ladies don’t love him. His first wife left him five years ago. His second wife died of hunger. His last wife stole his silencer and a collection of bottle caps and left for America. Today his girlfriend is very young. Her name is Brenda, she is sixteen. She likes discos. Brenda doesn’t want to work, she wants to have a big house, a new car and a swimming-pool. She has many good friends. One of her friends is Richard, an English teacher. She also knows his students who always speak about some 800 dollars. Oh Mick, we all implore you: don’t miss again!
