Mirror of the Soul

Lying still when dreams are fading
I am nothing but complete.
Caught in twirling lights and shadings
From the dim-lit embered street.

You have met my pack of demons,
Stray hounds howling at the moon.
And your soul of wondrous aeons
Whispers the forgotten tune...

Pride, you say, is strong and fearless,
Making me what I’ve become.
And the leader of my demons
Kneels beside you. Lives to come.

Anger flashes eyes with warning
Till you pat it on its head,
So rejection turns to yearning
For your touches, deep and mad.

Lust is drooling with desire
You return and duplicate.
Air’s electric. Eyes on fire.
Who are we to fight our fate?

Sloth is eager for another
Age of dozing at your side.
“Sleep, eternal faithful lover,
Rules of Tao to abide.”

Gluttony, you see, is willing
To grow big by saving few
For tomorrow. Dream’s fulfilling
For its favorite dish is you.

Envy's growling at the others.
Stepping closer, playing deaf,
Numbly waits for you and shudders
Slightly jealous of itself.

Greed wants more. And then some. Ever.
It's insatiably profound.
Better. Bigger. Parting? Never!
Always near. Forever bound.

Monsters swirl around you playful,
Ugly children of my soul.
Dazed, confused, and always grateful
To the one who loves them all.

They will fight for you, avengers,
Hellhounds stalking any prey
Bad enough to one who tenders,
Loves them, never to betray.

Evil side is not so evil
When you’re good enough to see:
Chains and cages can be freedom
If you’re one who’s caging me.

March 4, 2017
