
Рига, Латвия
Посвящается Гунтарсу


Гладкая кожа каштана
Манит теплом янтаря.
Я б понаделала бусы, -
Жалко иголку втыкать!

Жалко забрать их из парка, -
Здесь они чудно блестят!
Дома же в сухости дома
Треснут, умрут навсегда.

Каждому тут своё место,
Пела душа чтоб, жива;
Чёрствою корочкой хлеба
С плесенью чтоб не была!

А на природе - свобода!
Ветер и дождь, облака!
Тучки то белы, то серы,
Розово-нежны, летят!

Песню любви и свободы
Копит каштан на земле,
Полный надежд он о небе, -
Вырастит ввысь по весне!

Продолжение, дома, самолётом с Риги в Англию
Continue, just at home from a plane from Riga till England
Riga, Latvia
Nottinghamshire, Great Britain
Dedicated to Gundars


The Chestnut

I would sing a song
by not a loud voice,
but I just kept a silence,
Listening a sky, a wind.

I would say my Thanks to you,
But we are on a distance
of a flight of plane.

But I hope for a nice night dream
will come as a tale story for kids
about one alone chestnut,
a wet from a rain drops tears
from a sky,
and as a small alive stone like
a creature,
had his dreams, keeping them
inside him, to grow up ,
up to a sky,
to be a tallest strongest trees
with plenty white flowers,
which will became chestnuts,
plenty chestnuts,
each with their dreams
about a warm sunny days,
a spring, and a blue sky.
While we have our dream,
we always may grow up,
to be something another,
not just a small chestnut
on a ground.
Russian word for Chestnut
is as "Cash-tone",
as about someone with a dream
of plenty money, as a cash,
singing a song
as his dream to be a rich man one day.
A Cash - A Cash -  a cash-tone,
A chestnut 'chest' not'.
Russian word chest' as English word 'a honor'.
All nuts are inside of the hard skin cover,
to hide somethings important from a look.
This important is a miracle of growing life
to be a tallest biggest tree
till a sky.
We all have dreams.
To be rich, to love,
To be beloved,
To be strongest
Till a sky.
I will not take a small chestnut
from a park,
may be his dream will be a true
to be till a sky.
While he will dry in a room,
to die.
to be with plenty wrinkles, cracks,
just for fun.
But they pay this
for all us,
and they died,
in a deep silence,
to up us here, to up.
A small girl will laughed:
- See, Daddy! This chestnut is
so smooth! so wonderful! nice!
Can I take it at home,
with me, to be this mine?
And she will put a chestnut
or a small bed, playing,
as this would be her baby.
And she though it out
when he will be a died.
Children had not toys in the past,
They picked all what they saw
to play, to know a life.
A miracle of game
had gave a magic, a love
to create  all this World,
just for a play, just for a fun.
We are adults, had we forgot all?
what had we felt as kids?
You are for away,
so me,
may be you are a sleeping,
in your dreams.

Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

"Каштан"  /  "The Chestnut"
