Three nights

Do you listen a whisper?
She will come here soon.
It is almost a thriller:
Witch is playing with you.
Night begins to approach,
Time is flying so fast.
You are entering in church
Where cadaver still lies.

Demons sing and prepare
Your terrible death.
And the dawn is advancing,
You are hearing your heart.

Three nights with a prayer
Without a dream,
Three nights of nightmare,
She is going to kill.

Three nights candle sparks,
You will tremble too strong,
Three nights witch will find,
She will sing your last song.

Three nights be so bold,
And don't see to her eyes,
Behind round of chalk
Witch is looking: you die...


In the church there is silence,
And you're breathing with fear,
Heart has knocked hard since:
Witch is standing so near.
Shades became almost real,
And it killed all my hopes,
Witch knows that you are here,
But she doesn't see your soul.

How in dance of a demon
Death begins to approach.
But the dawn is so golden,
It is coming in church...

P.F. //

At the first night
There is shout in church,
At the second night
Your hair  greyed very much.
At the third night
There is despair at home -
Death will come up
To you lonely at dawn.

P.F. //
