
 He drove around in black Cadillac.
He lived in a villa and liked a good f..k.
He had a great dog - its breed was rare.
We met hundred years ago, I swear.
Men built stone houses torturing land;
He looked at the sea from his castle of sand.
Men planted the trees and conceived their sons;
He sawed his pine down, then drank for a month.
He wore a black cloak to cover his wings;
Collected pine pieces and built up a swing.
At night little mermaid with long blondie hair
Swang up to the sky, I saw her, I swear.

показывают то универсальные позы
и неуниверсально,Воспринимаем,и Очень,
Огромная Теплота Восприятия,
Созидает Невиданные картины,
Брунеллески бы Удивился..!!
внутренний Архитектор строит Храмы,
их не поджечь.

Волк Декаданса   05.05.2017 04:42     Заявить о нарушении