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'‘Doctor, yoga is demonic. Please understand and refrain from promoting such practices’. By now doctors with us are used to such comments. Christian preachers from different walks of life have been kind enough to ‘advise’ us directly and indirectly in this regard. We are at times negatively surprised to know that these men, women of good will are speaking in ignorance. Most of these preachers are strangers to Sanskrit and Patanjali’s text on Yoga! They have gathered bits and pieces of ‘revelations’ through their deliverance ministries but have not been realising the deception devil is pumping in to them using their own ignorance. Hosea 4- 6 is evident. In some deliverance cases I guess the demon(s) come out screaming and identifying itself as spirit of yoga or spirit entered in through yoga. Preachers devoid of the vices of devil believe this as true but only to the advantage of the deceiver (devil). Devil has been known for twisting the truth from the Garden of Eden. John 8- 44 clearly throws light on this “…He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” At this juncture we admit the active presence of yogic practices which is anti-biblical. However DHGRM Foundation is committed only to promote and preach Christa Yoga which is Bible based.

The meaning of the word “Yoga” is “union”. It is derived from the Sanskrit root “yuj,” (pronounced “yug”) meaning “to join”, “to unite”. Believers in Christ are already united in and with Christ Jesus on the day they received salvation! Christa Yoga is a series of prayerful, physical and mental expressions in action to help every soul realise itself its unity with God that every Christian has inherited through Christ Jesus’ cross, death and resurrection. Christa Yoga is strictly meditations, actions, exercises and chanting of bible verses to help the patients, clients to experience their oneness with Christ Jesus. Bible clearly tells that Christ Jesus lives in every believer (Colossians 1-27), but few realise this and experience this. To experience this, disciplining our psyche and body is very vital. Christa Yoga helps the patients to lead a disciplined life. This is one of the reasons St .Paul writes “I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified. -1 Corinthians 9:27. We must understand the word Yuj also means “to subjugate”, with the meaning also “to control” and “to disciplinate”. Disciplined life is one of the pillars of Biblical teachings!

People who think yoga is demonic because it comes from Hindu philosophy should realise that Rig Veda, Upanishads, Dhandiya Brahamanam, etc. carries conspicuous verses about Christ Jesus and His Godhead. So can we consider that the Christ the Hindu scripture speaks is about demonic Christ?

Yoga Sutra, the ancient Sanskrit text of sage Patanjali clearly says: Yogas Citta Vritti Nirodhah, “Yoga is the restraint of the agitation of thoughts”. Bible says the same to refrain from anger. -Psalm-37-8. In other words Patanjali says that Yoga is being compassionate to one another. Yoga is not just an exercise. However, once again there are other Hindu texts (developed later) giving confusing meanings to Yoga which we don’t subscribe. HERE WE WISH TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT WE AT DHGRM FOUNDATION DOES NOT SUBSCRIBE TO ALL PRACTICES OF YOGA THAT HINDU PHILOSOPHY, SCRIPTURE ADVOCATES. But we take the goodness from the Hindu texts and practice that under Biblical wisdom.

As I conclude I invite you to imagine about preachers( are??) who will conduct deliverance to his/her church members who have been eating from hotels, restaurants that is run by non-believers, because the food eaten have been door for demons to enter their body!!

Think about the paracetamol, anti-biotics, fairness cream, hair dyes, and other cosmetics etc. etc. produced by companies donating to Satan worshipers you (the Church) have been using. Did demons enter in you through them? I can hear some of you saying ‘we prayed over the stuff before using’. If so pray over Christ Yoga and pray throughout Christ Yoga and your false, deceptive fear of demons attacking you through this God-approved health practice will vanish!

-Dr. Sunu'
href="stihi dot ru/go/ephesians511blog dot title="Beware: Health Guru “Dr.” Sunu, founder of “Christa Yoga”, expert in “Revealed Medicine”" rel="nofollow"

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