Из Чарльза Буковски - Счёт 8
СЧЁТ "8"
лёжа в постели
я смотрю
на 3 птиц
на телефонном
осталась одна,
и она
моя пишущая машинка
молчит как надгробный
а я вынужден
за птицами.
просто подумал я
тебе лучше бы
это знать,
Примечание: представляется, что название стихотворения взято из бокса, когда во время нокаута судья отсчитывает: "8", "9", "out" - таковым было внутреннее состояние поэта.
8 Count - Poem by Charles Bukowski
from my bed
I watch
3 birds
on a telephone
one flies
one is left,
it too
is gone.
my typewriter is
and I am
reduced to bird
just thought I'd
let you
Свидетельство о публикации №117011800081
Нашел стих у Буковски сейчас, большой, но дело в том, что там что-то связано с его отцом - а это всегда была непростая тематика для Буковски и его творчества, хотя бы вспомнить такие стихи "Отец, сущий на небесах" и "Мой отец" и все прочие! Как будет вам удобно по времени, Юрий, переведите пожалуйста! Спасибо! С благодарностью, уважением и признательностью! Д.
a wild, fresh wind blowing...
Charles Bukowski
I should not have blamed only my father, but,
he was the first to introduce me to
raw and stupid hatred.
he was really best at it: anything and everything made him
mad-things of the slightest consequence brought his hatred quickly
to the surface
and I seemed to be the main source of his
I did not fear him
but his rages made me ill at heart
for he was most of my world then
and it was a world of horror but I should not have blamed only
my father
for when I left that... home... I found his counterparts
everywhere: my father was only a small part of the
whole, though he was the best at hatred
I was ever to meet.
but others were very good at it too: some of the
foremen, some of the street bums, some of the women
I was to live with,
most of the women, were gifted at
hating-blaming my voice, my actions, my presence
blaming me
for what they, in retrospect, had failed
I was simply the target of their discontent
and in some real sense
they blamed me
for not being able to rouse them
out of a failed past; what they didn't consider was
that I had my troubles too-most of them caused by
simply living with them.
I am a dolt of a man, easily made happy or even
stupidly happy almost without cause
and left alone I am mostly content.
but I've lived so often and so long with this hatred
my only freedom, my only peace is when I am away from
them, when I am anywhere else, no matter where-
some fat old waitress bringing me a cup of coffee
is in comparison
like a fresh wild wind blowing.
Денис Созинов 16.12.2017 18:06 Заявить о нарушении
Юрий Иванов 11 16.12.2017 20:12 Заявить о нарушении
Денис Созинов 16.12.2017 21:33 Заявить о нарушении