Ancient DNA for Hinxton Cambridgeshire compare wit

Archaic Ancient DNA  and my DNA compration results - for Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK
By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

My kits in are 4 kits

My mtDNA     H, H5a, H5a2
By Blood Group   3rd Positive,   B+ (B/O)

I compare my kit  T164168   in Gedmatch (my mtDNA H, H5a, H5a2):  by 2 methods:
a) used 100 - 1 (mismatch bunch limit 50)
 b) used 50-1 (mismatch bunch limit 25)
for   Hinxton Ancient DNA in Cambridgeshire, UK
if to compare with me them:
with data of people, lived and died here in Cambridgeshire, UK
*2,000 years back  /2ky * (male)
*and for 3 results 1,300 years back in time  /1.3ky * (for 3 females)
1) Hinxton-2, F999921,
female, Cambridgeshire, UK, mtDNA H2a2b1, 1,300yb / 1.3ky
a) Largest 2.8 cM, Total >=1= 28.8 cM, 17  Matching segments with me
b) Largest 3.3 cM, Total >=1= 208.0 cM, 149 Matching segments with me
2) Hinxton - 3, F999922,
female, 1Cambridgeshire, UK, 1,300 yo back / 1.3ky, mtDNA K1a4a1a2b
a) Largest 3.0 cM, Total >=1= 28.8 cM, 19  Matching segments with me
b) Largest 3.3 cM, Total >=1= 156.8 cM, 118 Matching segments with me
3) Hinxton-4, F999925,
male, 2,000 years back / 2ky, Cambbridgeshire, UK
his YNA R-DF25,  his mtDNA  H1ag1
a) Largest 2.4 cM, Total >=1= 50.1 cM, 39 Matching segments with me
b) Largest 2.7 cM, Total >=1= 113.3 cM, 88 Matching segments with me
4)  Hinxton-5, F999926,
female, Cambridgeshire, UK, 1,300 years back / 1.3ky, mtDNA H2a2a1
a) Largest 2.7 cM, Total >=1= 40.3 cM, 26 Matching segments with me
b) Largest 3.6 cM, Total >=1= 252.2 cM, 189 Matching segments with me
"To compare by the method a)"   is
The choice to compare with:
Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 100 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 50 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 1.0 cM
"To compare by the method b)"   is
The choice to compare with:
Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 50 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 25 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 1.0 cM

Near with Hinxton a place, a village Balsham, which sounded near to the my father's surname  Balzin, Balzen, which may be wrotten as Balzin, Balzen, Bolsen, Baldwin, Bahlsen, Baldzhin, Bolcen, Ball, etc, ... and Scandinavian old surname from Norway, some another, but similar versa too.

Below results more closely look:
Hinxton-2,  Cambridgeshire, UK,
female, living 1,300 years back in time,
mtDNA  H2a2b1

GEDmatch.Com Autosomal Comparison - V2.1.1(c)
Comparing Kit F999921 (Hinxton-2, UK, 1.3ky) and T164186 (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)

Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 100 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 50 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 1.0 cM


Chr Start Location End Location Centimorgans (cM) SNPs
5 11,592,795 13,656,068 2.3 125
5 37,937,165 38,505,599 1.4 108
6 7,858,555 8,798,849 1.9 107
9 78,903,957 80,037,744 1.3 116
9 130,058,460 131,307,946 2.5 181
10 75,879,070 77,357,534 1.2 142
10 116,352,310 117,731,568 1.6 116
11 24,004,922 25,143,081 1.6 146
11 109,550,941 110,552,629 1.3 111
12 110,478,095 111,910,062 1.1 115
12 113,179,284 113,708,634 1.0 110
15 43,250,028 44,374,739 1.4 124
16 15,813,631 16,816,287 1.9 166
17 11,178,551 12,185,010 2.8 156
17 35,921,825 36,985,185 1.1 132
20 9,341,937 9,856,694 1.8 108
21 27,313,972 28,518,720 2.6 143
Largest segment = 2.8 cM
Total of segments > 1 cM = 28.8 cM
17 matching segments

318996 SNPs used for this comparison.

Comparison took 0.04039 seconds.
Ver: Dec 18 2016 12:04:03
more closely look, the some:

GEDmatch.Com Autosomal Comparison - V2.1.1(c)
Comparing Kit F999921 (Hinxton-2, UK, 1.3ky) and T164186 (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)

Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 50 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 25 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 1.0 cM


Chr Start Location End Location Centimorgans (cM) SNPs
1 11,828,561 12,125,782 1.0 50
1 35,157,192 36,507,566 1.1 101
1 102,609,341 104,711,075 1.5 110
1 157,440,511 158,065,031 1.6 78
1 161,801,809 162,602,708 2.0 71
1 166,051,684 166,678,737 1.2 79
1 204,149,077 204,826,598 1.0 72
1 204,855,179 206,132,233 1.5 163
1 213,441,806 214,255,321 1.3 70
1 234,733,530 235,231,700 1.6 85
1 238,363,653 238,734,512 1.3 67
1 238,984,148 239,394,850 1.2 66
1 239,650,041 240,131,256 1.2 85
1 241,099,435 242,294,057 2.1 81
1 243,790,211 244,182,818 1.1 67
2 4,473,049 4,811,723 1.1 60
2 12,880,269 13,635,317 1.1 71
2 33,795,986 34,307,226 1.1 89
2 34,319,990 35,763,759 1.4 154
2 36,894,943 37,554,290 1.1 66
2 121,713,402 122,614,735 1.5 55
2 125,941,457 126,849,635 1.0 67
2 130,780,271 131,903,593 1.5 61
2 135,196,450 137,367,970 1.3 196
2 144,323,800 146,120,819 1.3 124
2 147,869,838 149,571,652 1.5 114
2 177,933,512 178,949,298 1.0 90
2 195,087,979 196,899,066 1.3 156
2 218,974,667 219,727,728 1.3 89
2 235,235,473 235,561,801 1.1 60
2 238,753,774 239,303,520 1.7 75
3 863,078 1,292,289 1.0 69
3 25,586,156 26,527,082 1.3 73
3 62,838,021 63,411,509 1.1 88
3 174,184,290 174,876,118 1.4 62
3 184,627,164 185,153,336 1.0 85
3 189,202,167 189,709,053 1.4 82
3 192,503,076 193,247,917 1.5 81
4 5,270,520 5,708,905 1.3 85
4 32,635,384 34,559,996 1.3 73
4 52,934,360 54,182,922 1.1 93
4 136,641,265 137,628,595 1.2 52
4 153,091,799 153,705,369 1.1 55
4 179,782,934 180,494,364 1.2 65
4 181,814,039 182,329,431 1.2 64
5 595,023 1,116,998 1.5 58
5 5,414,557 5,932,419 1.6 102
5 11,592,795 13,656,068 2.3 125
5 15,386,012 16,074,223 1.2 58
5 34,018,801 34,658,592 1.0 55
5 37,937,165 38,505,599 1.4 108
5 86,132,779 89,107,490 2.0 158
6 7,858,555 8,948,237 2.2 128
6 12,644,328 13,272,634 1.2 68
6 21,805,155 22,302,142 1.1 78
6 43,158,802 43,866,463 1.8 103
6 100,709,750 102,461,034 1.4 119
6 124,277,388 124,849,888 1.2 61
6 167,119,562 167,442,290 1.2 51
7 3,580,763 4,288,097 1.4 97
7 5,653,268 6,387,480 1.3 70
7 68,503,735 69,672,666 1.4 61
7 71,365,857 73,061,782 1.4 101
7 138,297,767 138,847,687 1.3 52
8 9,169,719 10,163,758 1.1 189
8 23,063,738 23,608,718 1.1 138
8 29,985,282 31,264,357 1.4 138
8 67,354,933 68,723,993 1.0 99
8 135,723,522 136,444,840 1.1 93
8 137,353,724 138,536,326 2.1 127
8 139,678,269 140,075,791 1.3 77
9 3,143,178 3,674,635 1.0 60
9 31,111,425 32,272,978 1.0 96
9 78,903,957 80,037,744 1.3 116
9 86,934,188 87,506,706 1.1 67
9 91,896,766 92,452,747 1.1 82
9 130,058,460 131,307,946 2.5 181
9 135,788,191 136,286,902 2.0 61
9 136,949,195 137,176,950 1.3 55
10 13,449,196 13,780,320 1.0 62
10 16,045,847 16,518,284 1.1 51
10 75,879,070 77,357,534 1.2 142
10 116,352,310 117,731,568 1.6 116
10 129,225,502 129,793,006 1.4 123
11 19,450,983 19,800,544 1.3 73
11 24,004,922 25,862,085 2.4 218
11 76,928,560 78,034,146 1.1 79
11 86,429,650 87,354,387 1.0 85
11 109,550,941 110,584,705 1.4 118
12 6,804,561 7,283,925 1.1 77
12 96,743,922 97,709,321 1.5 87
12 110,478,095 111,910,062 1.1 115
12 113,179,284 113,708,634 1.0 110
12 115,617,783 116,049,882 1.2 63
12 116,812,938 117,299,221 1.0 58
12 125,937,707 126,260,072 1.1 63
12 128,567,240 128,883,224 1.4 69
12 130,845,285 131,430,049 1.1 54
13 26,635,031 27,180,522 1.5 81
13 40,026,879 41,363,713 1.4 109
13 93,005,218 93,546,866 1.1 59
13 97,473,952 98,005,555 1.2 122
14 87,807,844 88,452,410 1.1 54
14 100,318,449 100,618,672 1.3 57
14 100,786,501 101,107,653 1.2 58
14 102,868,792 103,616,646 1.0 72
15 25,876,168 27,157,470 3.3 55
15 30,957,720 31,330,095 1.6 68
15 32,160,636 32,829,037 1.5 64
15 43,250,028 44,374,739 1.4 124
15 66,498,524 67,211,197 1.3 97
15 79,312,374 79,898,523 1.4 61
15 93,934,498 94,306,889 1.5 51
16 7,987,082 8,323,390 1.2 59
16 15,813,631 16,816,287 1.9 166
16 27,979,454 29,779,862 1.2 114
16 79,210,284 79,708,060 1.4 85
17 4,738,081 5,225,280 1.1 66
17 11,178,551 12,185,010 2.8 156
17 14,797,974 15,057,485 1.1 65
17 35,921,825 36,985,185 1.1 132
17 40,654,171 43,173,549 1.2 105
17 51,617,844 52,054,095 1.1 51
17 68,796,654 69,208,564 1.8 77
17 73,315,494 73,665,754 1.2 57
17 74,084,524 74,499,787 2.1 61
17 74,945,443 75,590,730 3.0 77
18 60,611,045 61,198,855 1.1 64
18 64,418,206 65,305,389 1.6 118
18 70,462,679 71,077,061 2.0 85
18 71,928,381 72,257,166 1.0 52
19 1,995,175 2,307,475 1.4 54
19 9,207,762 9,970,095 1.8 62
19 47,181,356 48,497,168 1.1 95
19 55,631,549 55,955,244 2.1 52
19 56,962,754 57,444,616 1.5 98
20 9,341,937 9,856,694 1.8 108
20 20,156,971 20,753,284 1.1 68
20 42,278,156 42,842,532 1.3 93
20 45,270,877 45,753,811 1.2 51
20 57,226,588 57,738,479 1.5 119
21 26,756,191 27,137,937 1.1 70
21 27,313,972 28,518,720 2.6 143
21 31,886,212 32,462,969 1.1 86
22 16,922,311 17,817,938 2.3 98
22 21,061,758 21,851,094 2.4 61
22 34,952,768 35,273,490 1.2 62
22 47,250,845 47,452,591 1.3 51
22 48,494,995 48,993,966 1.3 73
Largest segment = 3.3 cM
Total of segments > 1 cM = 208.0 cM
149 matching segments

318996 SNPs used for this comparison.

Comparison took 0.03614 seconds.
Ver: Dec 18 2016 12:04:03
Hinxton-2,  Cambridgeshire, UK,
female, living 1,300 years back in time,
mtDNA  H2a2b1

compare with my kit T164168
by method a):
Largest segment = 2.8 cM
Total of segments > 1 cM = 28.8 cM
17 matching segments

compare with my kit T164168
by method b):
Largest segment = 3.3 cM
Total of segments > 1 cM = 208.0 cM
149 matching segments

***  10),  12) 13) 14) from Hinxton, Cambridgshire, UK
Hinxton-2 (female), Hinxton-3 (female), Hinxton-4 (male), Hinxton-5 (female), all females were living 1300 years back in time, the male was living 2,000 years back in time.

Hinxton-3,  Cambridgeshire, UK,
female, living 1,300 years back in time,
mtDNA  K1a4a1a2b

GEDmatch.Com Autosomal Comparison - V2.1.1(c)
Comparing Kit F999922 (Hinxton-3, UK, 1.3ky) and T164186 (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)

Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 100 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 50 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 1.0 cM


Chr Start Location End Location Centimorgans (cM) SNPs
1 1,007,060 1,864,441 3.0 103
1 5,966,396 6,769,350 1.6 127
1 35,151,706 36,530,388 1.1 114
1 105,411,802 106,911,087 1.5 138
1 244,562,256 245,318,105 1.3 106
3 11,085,788 11,749,148 1.2 100
8 9,099,900 10,032,925 1.0 193
8 138,513,786 139,229,381 1.8 107
10 116,253,478 117,431,164 1.2 127
11 24,797,058 25,638,809 1.0 101
12 108,822,257 111,485,068 1.3 224
14 36,290,216 37,316,191 1.5 108
15 46,034,763 46,935,484 1.1 107
16 15,999,008 16,766,926 1.5 149
19 35,802,073 37,135,251 2.5 166
20 9,160,234 9,596,826 1.2 111
20 19,174,084 19,664,093 1.6 136
22 16,932,662 17,939,628 2.5 122
22 37,959,555 39,252,278 1.0 152
Largest segment = 3.0 cM
Total of segments > 1 cM = 28.8 cM
19 matching segments

380966 SNPs used for this comparison.

Comparison took 0.04809 seconds.
Ver: Dec 18 2016 12:04:03
more closely:

GEDmatch.Com Autosomal Comparison - V2.1.1(c)
Comparing Kit F999922 (Hinxton-3, UK, 1.3ky) and T164186 (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)

Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 50 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 25 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 1.0 cM


Chr Start Location End Location Centimorgans (cM) SNPs
1 1,007,060 1,876,379 3.0 104
1 5,966,396 6,769,350 1.6 127
1 12,173,905 12,761,104 1.5 91
1 13,994,479 14,379,644 1.0 119
1 35,151,706 36,632,339 1.2 135
1 60,815,453 61,444,056 1.0 115
1 105,411,802 107,340,028 1.9 182
1 157,251,759 158,014,893 1.8 104
1 199,838,694 200,342,292 1.2 98
1 203,919,095 204,724,432 1.3 89
1 212,549,511 213,421,761 1.1 144
1 234,669,344 235,073,537 1.3 90
1 243,819,796 244,168,353 1.0 79
1 244,562,256 245,318,105 1.3 106
2 3,890,695 4,443,428 1.6 98
2 21,361,417 22,292,132 1.0 78
2 72,185,396 73,700,532 1.8 99
2 130,417,659 131,461,324 1.5 63
2 144,401,345 145,784,566 1.0 116
2 170,110,953 170,820,020 1.2 81
2 206,750,178 207,433,861 1.1 83
2 218,995,520 219,628,656 1.1 85
2 236,135,890 236,632,589 1.0 56
2 239,726,672 240,062,433 1.5 68
3 2,252,951 2,542,829 1.1 66
3 11,085,788 11,756,717 1.2 104
3 15,329,035 16,282,151 1.3 131
3 25,615,938 26,446,913 1.2 58
3 54,154,626 54,794,411 1.2 105
3 74,786,379 76,083,132 1.0 66
3 117,269,431 117,856,780 1.2 64
3 126,412,438 127,269,450 1.1 58
3 187,986,129 188,388,188 1.4 81
3 194,619,170 195,061,464 1.2 52
3 198,566,193 199,302,161 1.3 76
4 3,579,188 4,309,986 1.3 60
4 8,779,683 9,691,254 1.2 64
4 25,828,891 26,389,680 1.4 55
4 54,542,138 55,152,302 1.1 73
4 68,815,573 70,389,400 1.2 59
4 188,385,399 188,944,085 1.4 66
5 5,502,333 5,851,853 1.1 78
5 12,240,959 13,427,095 1.1 66
5 38,119,539 38,745,386 1.8 103
5 74,358,738 75,011,861 1.2 66
5 175,138,227 175,869,122 1.3 78
5 176,067,178 176,783,031 1.0 75
6 12,404,203 12,983,040 1.2 102
6 16,914,320 17,613,923 1.7 96
6 100,783,314 102,004,252 1.0 94
7 6,174,894 7,268,818 1.7 114
7 8,343,727 8,687,428 1.1 52
7 21,257,754 21,768,403 1.0 99
7 151,296,951 151,903,280 1.7 50
7 152,071,315 152,431,720 1.1 64
8 9,099,900 10,032,925 1.0 193
8 103,876,090 105,792,483 1.2 207
8 137,345,045 138,180,224 1.3 82
8 138,513,786 139,229,381 1.8 107
8 139,854,974 140,190,997 1.1 62
9 83,671,809 84,641,917 1.0 79
9 130,058,460 130,711,974 1.2 74
9 131,624,879 132,034,981 1.2 70
9 135,167,814 135,540,638 1.0 95
9 136,658,554 136,894,984 1.7 50
10 101,955 742,193 1.6 80
10 12,901,951 13,311,840 1.3 107
10 71,714,287 72,126,406 1.2 102
10 116,253,478 117,431,164 1.2 127
10 122,267,411 122,737,767 1.0 116
10 130,707,723 130,965,197 1.2 62
11 24,797,058 25,675,519 1.0 105
11 116,021,716 116,603,162 1.3 88
11 130,825,871 131,173,745 1.2 85
11 132,605,443 132,980,421 1.3 65
12 8,763,220 9,306,311 1.1 96
12 108,654,106 111,485,068 1.4 249
12 126,730,839 127,100,085 1.8 78
13 20,392,842 21,232,314 2.1 122
13 27,617,402 28,012,888 1.1 54
13 99,476,752 99,945,020 1.1 50
14 36,290,216 37,316,191 1.5 108
14 75,146,984 75,833,910 1.3 76
14 87,789,351 88,463,134 1.1 74
14 96,269,642 96,706,454 1.1 97
14 98,761,356 99,160,872 1.1 58
15 25,911,504 27,214,074 3.3 66
15 33,111,744 33,715,895 1.1 66
15 46,034,763 46,935,484 1.1 107
15 55,763,875 56,234,864 1.4 114
15 79,388,395 79,849,412 1.1 54
16 7,979,059 8,281,335 1.1 66
16 15,999,008 16,766,926 1.5 149
16 21,208,498 22,114,775 1.0 55
16 77,858,655 78,063,502 1.1 57
17 7,940,314 8,544,879 1.0 95
17 33,205,550 34,066,872 1.2 58
17 68,966,253 69,277,009 1.4 78
17 73,322,856 73,740,225 1.4 75
17 74,109,718 74,420,830 1.5 50
18 69,989,839 70,247,132 1.1 71
18 70,406,087 70,928,784 1.8 56
19 1,311,082 1,707,939 1.6 68
19 7,212,441 7,711,296 1.3 92
19 35,802,073 37,135,251 2.5 166
19 56,990,137 57,399,786 1.3 86
20 9,160,234 9,596,826 1.2 111
20 19,174,084 19,664,093 1.6 136
20 57,510,987 58,031,304 1.9 92
20 60,091,799 60,477,622 1.2 82
21 15,379,229 15,735,083 1.0 59
21 19,933,140 20,592,335 1.3 79
22 16,932,662 17,943,347 2.5 123
22 22,570,340 23,320,916 1.3 82
22 29,882,702 30,937,057 1.1 119
22 34,998,830 35,301,903 1.1 63
22 37,959,555 39,401,677 1.1 155
22 45,945,573 46,377,435 1.1 85
Largest segment = 3.3 cM
Total of segments > 1 cM = 156.8 cM
118 matching segments

380966 SNPs used for this comparison.
Comparison took 0.04603 seconds.
Ver: Dec 18 2016 12:04:03

Hinxton-3,  Cambridgshire, UK,
female, living 1,300 years back in time,
mtDNA  K1a4a1a2b

compare with my kit T164168 (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)
by method a):
Largest segment = 3.0 cM
Total of segments > 1 cM = 28.8 cM
19 matching segments

compare with my kit T164168 (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)
by method b):
Largest segment = 3.3 cM
Total of segments > 1 cM = 156.8 cM
118 matching segments
***  10),  12) 13) 14) from Hinxton, Cambridgshire, UK
Hinxton-2 (female), Hinxton-3 (female), Hinxton-4 (male), Hinxton-5 (female), all females were living 1300 years back in time, the male was living 2,000 years back in time.
Cambridgshire, UK
male, living 2,000 years back
YDNA      R-DF25,    mtDNA   H1ag1

GEDmatch.Com Autosomal Comparison - V2.1.1(c)
Comparing Kit F999925 (Hinxton-4, UK, 2ky) and T164186 (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)

Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 100 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 50 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 1.0 cM


Chr Start Location End Location Centimorgans (cM) SNPs
1 6,256,408 6,737,345 1.0 102
1 18,061,685 18,483,603 1.6 212
1 35,157,192 36,593,514 1.2 185
1 80,086,300 81,117,852 1.0 226
1 86,531,177 87,534,223 1.1 208
1 103,176,972 104,582,290 1.0 136
1 161,588,657 162,034,739 1.3 112
2 4,619,354 5,463,741 2.4 231
2 8,205,401 8,630,059 1.6 113
2 72,259,173 73,382,585 1.4 112
2 74,056,086 74,822,118 1.1 159
2 135,016,952 136,791,320 1.1 241
2 147,765,380 149,551,286 1.6 218
2 218,972,351 219,648,728 1.2 125
2 222,136,115 222,748,720 1.1 138
5 8,518,020 9,119,464 1.1 153
5 37,945,745 38,414,240 1.1 165
5 74,324,825 75,139,857 1.4 138
7 129,604,740 130,164,356 1.2 120
7 136,730,784 137,251,230 1.1 100
8 18,225,349 18,698,758 1.1 256
8 102,678,632 103,152,369 1.2 123
10 73,350,399 75,147,304 1.1 272
10 119,695,428 120,243,389 1.4 138
10 130,874,118 131,365,835 2.0 126
11 116,023,178 116,599,623 1.3 136
12 65,725,466 66,219,719 1.0 113
13 34,023,387 34,914,609 1.1 142
14 36,634,164 37,631,831 1.3 116
15 31,947,278 32,547,940 1.4 108
15 45,909,419 46,977,852 1.3 216
15 79,118,422 79,652,902 1.2 114
17 11,383,382 11,776,056 1.2 110
17 58,983,808 60,505,945 1.2 238
18 18,937,007 20,054,297 1.2 213
19 9,189,662 9,856,843 1.7 102
19 53,403,601 53,754,375 1.2 101
20 54,238,051 54,559,361 1.2 107
22 43,952,114 44,523,840 1.4 184
Largest segment = 2.4 cM
Total of segments > 1 cM = 50.1 cM
39 matching segments

589870 SNPs used for this comparison.
Comparison took 0.06583 seconds.
Ver: Dec 18 2016 12:04:03

GEDmatch.Com Autosomal Comparison - V2.1.1(c)
Comparing Kit F999925 (Hinxton-4, UK, 2ky) and T164186 (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)

Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 50 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 25 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 1.0 cM


Chr Start Location End Location Centimorgans (cM) SNPs
1 1,016,570 1,429,534 1.4 78
1 1,461,910 1,865,127 1.4 56
1 6,256,408 6,737,345 1.0 102
1 15,605,981 16,080,449 1.2 86
1 18,061,685 18,483,603 1.6 212
1 18,928,969 19,458,947 1.3 169
1 35,157,192 36,593,514 1.2 185
1 80,086,300 81,117,852 1.0 226
1 86,531,177 87,735,025 1.3 262
1 103,176,972 104,633,808 1.1 145
1 157,288,351 157,799,692 1.2 93
1 161,588,657 162,073,664 1.3 121
1 173,913,664 174,951,055 1.0 153
1 204,068,495 204,723,200 1.0 108
2 4,537,687 5,463,741 2.7 258
2 8,205,401 8,664,645 1.7 119
2 72,259,173 73,382,585 1.4 112
2 74,056,086 74,822,118 1.1 159
2 135,016,952 136,791,320 1.1 241
2 147,765,380 149,551,286 1.6 218
2 218,972,351 219,648,728 1.2 125
2 222,136,115 222,748,720 1.1 138
2 238,747,816 239,147,650 1.2 84
3 25,546,729 26,272,741 1.0 124
4 3,679,273 4,321,627 1.2 66
4 5,282,041 5,637,994 1.0 97
4 135,649,936 136,705,653 1.1 115
4 186,426,505 186,686,645 1.0 54
5 8,518,020 9,119,464 1.1 153
5 37,945,745 38,416,116 1.1 166
5 74,324,825 75,139,857 1.4 138
5 175,208,091 175,807,319 1.0 72
6 12,712,067 13,279,022 1.1 104
6 137,645,135 138,156,959 1.3 150
6 151,737,997 152,485,082 1.7 197
7 5,533,695 6,030,200 1.0 80
7 6,344,361 7,056,373 1.2 94
7 71,150,234 72,395,891 1.1 92
7 129,604,740 130,164,356 1.2 120
7 136,730,784 137,251,230 1.1 100
7 138,293,142 138,839,449 1.2 92
8 18,225,349 18,700,881 1.1 259
8 102,678,632 103,199,536 1.3 142
8 123,129,701 123,601,886 1.1 83
9 87,312,757 87,923,753 1.2 77
9 131,656,030 131,995,274 1.0 84
9 136,941,621 137,145,299 1.2 67
10 101,955 609,761 1.3 77
10 73,350,399 75,147,304 1.1 272
10 111,179,254 112,154,184 1.1 167
10 119,695,428 120,243,389 1.4 138
10 130,874,118 131,365,835 2.0 126
11 116,023,178 116,599,623 1.3 136
12 902,666 1,457,107 1.4 79
12 7,988,671 8,516,157 1.4 70
12 65,725,466 66,219,719 1.0 113
12 126,524,686 126,795,762 1.2 86
13 34,023,387 34,914,609 1.1 142
13 99,623,527 100,079,576 1.1 77
14 20,328,578 20,528,459 1.4 58
14 36,634,164 37,645,627 1.4 118
14 96,802,345 97,109,675 1.0 72
15 31,947,278 32,547,940 1.4 108
15 32,900,002 33,488,029 1.1 107
15 45,909,419 46,977,852 1.3 216
15 54,866,709 55,542,935 1.0 125
15 63,286,421 64,168,776 1.2 119
15 79,118,422 79,676,345 1.3 118
15 96,005,328 96,301,463 1.1 94
17 647,872 883,050 1.0 85
17 11,383,382 11,776,056 1.2 110
17 27,127,591 27,844,289 1.1 85
17 58,983,808 60,515,267 1.2 242
17 73,382,832 73,748,549 1.3 85
17 74,161,770 74,442,364 1.4 60
17 74,879,727 75,287,320 1.9 66
18 2,326,366 2,537,500 1.0 89
18 18,937,007 20,065,793 1.2 217
18 70,380,192 70,720,212 1.2 57
19 2,040,230 2,277,215 1.1 56
19 9,189,662 9,856,843 1.7 102
19 53,403,601 53,754,375 1.2 101
19 55,091,906 55,631,679 1.3 124
20 54,238,051 54,582,215 1.2 111
20 58,101,393 58,535,974 2.1 148
22 16,322,872 16,635,988 1.8 88
22 17,326,597 17,964,672 1.4 142
22 43,952,114 44,523,840 1.4 184
Largest segment = 2.7 cM
Total of segments > 1 cM = 111.3 cM
88 matching segments

589870 SNPs used for this comparison.
Comparison took 0.07663 seconds.
Ver: Dec 18 2016 12:04:03
: 13) :
Cambridgshire, UK
male, living 2,000 years back
YDNA      R-DF25,    mtDNA   H1ag1

compare with my kit T164168 (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)
by method a):
Largest segment = 2.4 cM
Total of segments > 1 cM = 50.1 cM
39 matching segments

compare with my kit T164168 (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)
by method b):
Largest segment = 2.7 cM
Total of segments > 1 cM = 111.3 cM
88 matching segments

***  10),  12) 13) 14) from Hinxton, Cambridgshire, UK
Hinxton-2 (female), Hinxton-3 (female), Hinxton-4 (male), Hinxton-5 (female), all females were living 1300 years back in time, the male was living 2,000 years back in time.
Cambridgshire, UK,
female, living 1,300 years back in time,
mtDNA   H2a2a1
'Hinxton-5 Ancient DNA Analysis'

GEDmatch.Com Autosomal Comparison - V2.1.1(c)
Comparing Kit F999926 (Hinxton-5, UK, 1.3ky) and T164186 (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)

Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 100 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 50 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 1.0 cM

Chr Start Location End Location Centimorgans (cM) SNPs
1 53,781,964 54,590,687 1.4 107
1 180,919,187 182,080,481 1.3 109
2 116,846,887 119,267,761 1.4 209
2 134,999,906 136,791,320 1.2 129
2 147,223,223 148,993,016 1.2 107
2 195,090,764 196,862,750 1.3 127
2 218,552,243 220,108,258 2.7 190
2 237,896,542 238,700,592 1.5 117
3 126,365,776 127,404,249 1.3 104
4 84,452,473 86,495,094 2.5 156
5 149,999,510 150,599,022 1.4 109
6 11,829,115 12,369,907 1.2 104
9 12,237,973 13,593,327 2.2 154
9 130,163,696 131,125,058 1.9 109
10 59,757,631 60,890,929 1.1 102
10 129,178,488 129,791,936 1.5 131
11 5,127,086 5,640,143 1.3 152
11 112,739,985 113,529,958 1.5 108
11 114,756,400 115,651,831 1.4 113
12 49,866,974 50,807,611 1.7 112
12 77,777,535 80,391,485 2.4 216
14 68,673,997 69,461,850 1.1 102
17 16,203,938 18,161,859 2.1 202
18 12,120,394 13,230,190 1.5 108
19 37,596,555 38,619,582 1.1 113
20 46,504,628 47,455,115 1.2 108
Largest segment = 2.7 cM
Total of segments > 1 cM = 40.3 cM
26 matching segments

291518 SNPs used for this comparison.
Comparison took 0.06756 seconds.
Ver: Dec 18 2016 12:04:03
more closely look:

GEDmatch.Com Autosomal Comparison - V2.1.1(c)
Comparing Kit F999926 (Hinxton-5, UK, 1.3ky) and T164186 (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)

Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 50 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 25 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 1.0 cM


Chr Start Location End Location Centimorgans (cM) SNPs
1 1,153,667 1,865,127 2.5 55
1 5,843,629 6,720,689 1.8 108
1 12,598,792 13,699,972 1.8 55
1 15,558,593 16,034,423 1.2 51
1 19,114,491 19,638,913 1.1 69
1 53,781,964 54,590,687 1.4 107
1 145,605,519 148,198,165 1.6 61
1 180,919,187 182,117,524 1.3 116
1 192,208,998 193,664,014 1.1 105
1 204,150,897 204,824,480 1.0 67
1 229,342,630 230,064,183 1.0 88
1 231,563,997 232,065,790 1.1 77
1 234,768,997 235,115,299 1.2 55
2 4,799,317 5,183,292 1.1 60
2 10,018,919 10,413,425 1.2 70
2 12,543,827 13,119,667 1.2 67
2 72,199,247 73,710,510 1.8 86
2 74,100,410 74,827,460 1.0 78
2 86,531,007 88,279,392 1.9 67
2 116,201,168 119,267,761 1.8 243
2 121,767,700 122,614,735 1.4 57
2 134,999,906 136,791,758 1.2 130
2 147,223,223 148,994,366 1.2 108
2 195,090,764 196,862,750 1.3 127
2 218,552,243 220,108,258 2.7 190
2 235,157,910 235,460,267 1.1 50
2 235,812,925 236,231,085 1.1 59
2 237,896,542 238,700,592 1.5 117
3 4,916,214 5,564,870 1.9 90
3 19,090,360 20,239,954 1.2 87
3 25,580,105 26,522,337 1.3 74
3 70,474,585 71,284,796 1.1 77
3 117,269,431 117,856,780 1.2 58
3 126,365,776 127,417,659 1.3 108
3 145,022,489 145,822,670 1.1 67
3 174,164,636 174,742,352 1.2 50
3 183,876,821 184,593,557 1.4 63
3 186,709,090 187,264,294 1.3 50
4 7,148,399 7,427,595 1.3 67
4 8,724,740 9,595,881 1.3 55
4 24,371,399 25,166,145 1.8 128
4 25,775,348 26,666,286 2.0 59
4 84,452,473 86,495,094 2.5 156
4 104,138,514 105,737,422 1.0 108
4 112,045,022 112,981,605 1.1 64
4 136,723,081 137,615,733 1.1 51
4 147,987,656 149,169,862 1.2 75
4 183,818,146 184,392,509 1.9 62
5 2,184,784 2,456,444 1.1 59
5 11,591,504 13,262,817 1.8 78
5 24,841,552 25,685,787 1.0 69
5 33,040,765 33,714,007 1.1 78
5 76,549,775 77,278,939 1.1 81
5 92,875,477 94,357,154 1.2 83
5 109,420,900 110,455,246 1.0 88
5 139,993,100 140,790,957 1.3 86
5 141,958,427 142,339,220 1.1 62
5 149,999,510 150,599,022 1.4 109
5 166,287,891 166,885,484 1.1 53
6 835,831 1,134,589 1.0 63
6 11,829,115 12,369,907 1.2 104
6 12,477,506 13,115,919 1.3 82
6 40,874,084 41,401,027 1.2 69
6 136,409,698 137,042,799 1.0 50
6 139,887,616 141,367,099 1.1 79
6 153,778,689 154,557,793 1.1 80
7 1,853,463 2,571,004 1.0 65
7 129,575,860 130,119,637 1.1 66
7 131,045,984 131,453,372 1.0 58
7 131,507,076 132,023,744 1.0 69
7 138,310,877 139,288,695 2.0 107
7 145,332,649 146,206,110 1.0 54
7 149,106,859 150,203,503 2.4 109
8 6,062,501 6,373,612 1.0 64
8 28,901,570 29,401,597 1.0 52
8 132,633,840 133,410,537 1.1 94
8 142,988,482 143,683,997 1.2 90
9 1,849,272 2,162,726 1.1 67
9 4,708,921 5,312,687 1.9 91
9 12,237,973 13,593,327 2.2 154
9 24,661,257 25,461,466 1.2 98
9 26,757,510 27,218,564 1.1 59
9 38,709,533 70,817,345 3.6 91
9 87,503,359 88,225,574 1.3 60
9 128,521,053 129,261,209 1.0 58
9 130,163,696 131,125,058 1.9 109
9 131,631,330 131,994,993 1.1 54
9 132,430,441 132,886,940 1.0 65
9 137,339,138 137,609,589 1.3 50
10 28,285,896 29,066,220 1.0 108
10 29,706,623 30,183,174 1.2 70
10 59,757,631 60,890,929 1.1 102
10 113,067,014 114,279,007 1.5 155
10 114,750,923 115,269,801 1.1 67
10 116,194,766 117,717,156 1.7 124
10 126,373,353 126,779,407 1.0 55
10 127,180,018 127,632,607 1.2 54
10 128,108,191 128,546,913 1.0 81
10 129,178,488 129,791,936 1.5 131
10 133,062,238 133,712,933 1.5 105
11 5,127,086 5,640,143 1.3 152
11 23,624,092 24,322,484 1.1 52
11 25,196,163 26,332,682 1.1 100
11 112,739,985 113,529,958 1.5 108
11 114,756,400 115,659,699 1.4 115
11 116,023,178 116,603,162 1.3 68
11 132,725,611 133,158,920 1.3 77
12 4,423,644 4,957,039 1.5 93
12 49,866,974 50,855,363 1.8 124
12 77,777,535 80,391,485 2.4 216
12 85,042,921 88,023,424 1.3 150
12 123,659,383 124,000,533 1.1 75
12 124,004,469 124,414,145 1.3 54
13 24,941,182 25,446,441 1.3 57
13 29,948,070 30,366,980 1.3 77
13 70,746,045 71,510,983 1.2 63
13 72,006,280 72,526,965 1.0 53
13 106,504,241 106,812,884 1.0 58
13 108,261,131 108,726,509 1.1 84
13 108,866,942 109,154,348 1.1 54
14 31,847,504 32,234,933 1.5 58
14 36,328,455 37,647,552 1.7 107
14 68,673,997 69,461,850 1.1 102
14 75,617,278 76,077,490 1.0 80
14 78,241,271 79,235,715 1.3 95
14 89,650,542 90,123,825 1.1 60
14 93,595,200 94,007,744 1.2 64
14 94,517,526 94,871,899 1.2 55
14 104,475,638 106,110,154 2.7 64
15 23,798,984 24,270,883 2.0 88
15 45,715,212 46,986,270 1.5 137
15 54,550,454 55,435,304 1.0 52
15 62,846,704 64,000,752 1.1 80
15 67,116,869 67,752,354 1.4 59
15 78,950,979 79,767,510 1.7 81
15 80,014,077 81,047,822 1.3 51
15 88,401,053 89,112,021 1.0 83
15 90,120,922 90,457,161 1.1 75
15 90,536,919 90,885,512 1.3 90
16 1,477,840 1,937,364 1.3 66
16 10,265,038 10,833,635 1.3 86
16 16,065,535 16,837,256 1.5 81
16 49,403,663 50,025,506 1.4 85
16 59,244,889 60,169,932 1.1 64
16 87,343,542 88,596,560 1.7 152
17 6,509,540 6,946,639 1.4 69
17 10,118,314 10,628,617 1.8 56
17 11,150,517 11,663,813 1.5 80
17 16,203,938 18,161,859 2.1 202
17 19,583,544 21,226,919 1.0 96
17 27,088,517 27,980,137 1.4 59
17 31,101,541 32,123,642 1.2 74
17 45,119,401 45,902,432 1.8 108
17 50,959,091 51,522,603 1.1 75
17 54,892,557 56,669,095 1.4 106
17 68,955,545 69,277,295 1.4 73
17 70,571,431 71,481,430 1.1 90
18 12,120,394 13,230,190 1.5 108
18 59,528,559 60,127,314 1.2 65
18 68,665,099 69,135,880 1.3 56
18 69,709,534 69,985,195 1.0 51
19 1,315,306 1,714,776 1.6 52
19 37,596,555 38,736,157 1.4 128
19 56,238,454 56,567,758 1.5 54
19 56,952,166 57,242,176 1.0 62
19 58,470,898 58,863,169 2.2 67
19 60,999,659 61,272,129 1.1 74
19 62,267,239 63,157,760 1.3 134
20 9,267,187 9,708,258 1.3 87
20 9,764,860 10,161,578 1.6 70
20 10,194,864 10,745,475 1.2 66
20 45,193,897 45,612,940 1.1 55
20 46,504,628 47,455,115 1.2 108
20 54,165,561 54,725,812 1.9 77
20 58,081,082 58,468,285 1.8 63
20 60,209,670 60,589,438 1.2 58
21 15,353,413 15,844,564 1.4 51
21 24,634,971 25,708,178 1.1 103
21 36,199,730 36,727,473 1.6 74
21 41,469,764 41,810,122 1.8 72
21 41,959,885 42,200,780 1.5 81
22 16,589,613 16,929,174 1.8 51
22 16,950,175 17,643,214 1.8 66
22 30,254,798 31,050,404 1.0 76
Largest segment = 3.6 cM
Total of segments > 1 cM = 252.2 cM
184 matching segments

291518 SNPs used for this comparison.
Comparison took 0.04424 seconds.
Ver: Dec 18 2016 12:04:03
Cambridgshire, UK,
female, living 1,300 years back in time,
mtDNA   H2a2a1
'Hinxton-5 Ancient DNA Analysis'

compare with my kit T164168 (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)
by method a):
Largest segment = 2.7 cM
Total of segments > 1 cM = 40.3 cM
26 matching segments

compare with my kit T164168 (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)
by method b):
Largest segment = 3.6 cM
Total of segments > 1 cM = 252.2 cM
184 matching segments

***  10),  12) 13) 14) from Hinxton, Cambridgshire, UK
Hinxton-2 (female), Hinxton-3 (female), Hinxton-4 (male), Hinxton-5 (female), all females were living 1300 years back in time, the male was living 2,000 years back in time.

My genetic data here had been received by genetic tests in companies WorldWide, FTDNA, FF FTDNA, 23andMe (still not used here, but done by Genebase).

Results as tools and programmes had been used here from a web-side with thanks to C.Rodger
and the information from web-side

Genetic Genealogy Tools: Hinxton DNA

I am the ordinary person and not have a knowledge here to understand all results yet.

Really, all people here are related this or another way, just some more closed.

Plenty destinies in the past were so salty sometimes.
Green hills and a nice weather and a loneless.
I hope, these all people had been happy, or that they had been happy sometimes.

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

Archaic Ancient DNA  and my DNA compration results - for Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK
Ancient DNA for Hinxton Cambridgeshire compare with my DNA

More to read here:
"Archaic Ancient DNA  and my DNA compration results" / (*"Древние ДНК, и я, сравнение")
