Б. Окуджава. Ваше величество женщина

Everything's covered by darkness
Still is like deep in the sea,
Lady, Your Majesty Lady,
Why did you come to see me?

Dim is the weak electricity,
Roof is in bad disrepair;
Lady, oh Lady, Your Majesty,
Why did you travel to here?

Visit by you is like lightning,
Smoke - there is no way to hold,
Why, please come in Lady darling,
No sense to stand in the cold.

Who are you Lady and where from?
Oh, but this must be a stage,
You just somehow mixed up the door,
The street, the city and the age.

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Зус Вайман   25.03.2020 11:20     Заявить о нарушении
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Яков Зайден   02.11.2020 01:24   Заявить о нарушении