Take me to the Inferno

Take me directly to the Inferno...
I`m gonna burn in fire.
I lost my ticket to the Heaven
Thank to my tempting desire.

You know, we're gonna be higher
Even higher that sun in the sky.
We have a lot... and we  should try it.
'cuz no one knows when we can die.

Are you afraid? I'm not, that's true.
Don't wanna leave with nothing in my memory...
I wanna die with thoughts: that wave was blue...
And you. You surely was a favorite...

So... Take me... to the Inferno...
I wish I could burn in fire!...
I knew paradise lost...
Thank to my tempting desire.

Afraid of their desires, Татьяна! Sometimes they come true!

Олег Крюков   16.04.2017 09:34     Заявить о нарушении
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