Simple tune

Twilight me calls to the streets that hold
The lonely and sad light of this cold.
I will run down the streets to get a nightmare fight
With my fears I want to meet this night.
When twilight me calls to walk in a wood
The land under me is not really rude.
And I wanna fall in twilight’s embrace
Just when I could see it face to face.

At midnight empty streets, nobody’s in a town.
Permanently in my head I can hear a simple tune.
In a forest outside only savage wolves do howl
Bats and black ravens fly in the light of the moon.

Please tell me whether you like darkness
And I will be glad if I like it less.
Do you want to go with me to the sky?
My house is nearby twilight’s eyes.
So fly, I know you have energy,
And forget about the MRG,
Our band is of no importance now.
Just let’s give each other a midnight vow.
