The opening 2017

It never goes,
It stays with me:
My friends, my thoughts…
I dreamt,
I have been dreaming
About this New Year,
But not the way it is supposed:
Get drunk!
Lose voice!
Dance till the heartache!
That does not matter,
Matters not at all.
The only thing that matters,
On the contrary,
There’re there, with me,
To share this moment howl:
I’ll see their faces,
Their smiles,
And at this moment I will see:
I won’t exchange this one for more,
It will not ever go,
It’ll always be with me;
Their smiles,
Their faces,
Their whole life,
That somehow has connected mine.
It will not go;
It stays with me.
I will not, and I shouldn’t
Ask for more…
Valerya’s mind,
And Vanya’s smile,
And also Pasha’s jokes,
You were, they were with me from the beginning,
You will be with along, of course,
And at this very night I thank you,
For everything you’ve left for me:
Those minds, smiles and jokes,
Will never leave,
But live in me.
