The dragons desperation

This is a night of desperation.
Shadows of the house
Fall down to the darkness,
And the darkness turns deeper
Than the night yesterday,
And the day turns t'grey.

Look at these clouds
At the deep west.
Some of them seem t’be
Out of the sky.
Rules are inside and
At the end of the way
Day turns to gray.

In the deep of my heart
Where the newspaper wind
Goes around & around,
Moving arrows & rays,
Someone controlls
My breath in my dreams
Who is not to be seem.

Birds wagon school
In the night burns.
Busses are frightened
Of someone can hide ‘em
And  the selflessness lingers
In the doors of the night
& the stars turn bright.

Old dragon cries
And the flute sings the song for him.
Nothing is good
If you can hear this melody.
The thing is all music
Is for him or of him
And the day becomes dream.

Dream of a giant
Sleeping at days,
Gambling at nights
All ‘round the gardens.
Sure we could catch him,
But the dream is away
And the night fades to gray.

Open the box with old secret of surprise. There’s
Paper & springs & old smells of old circuses…
Harlequins dancing the dance of green cheese…
But the wind becomes breath.

Motions of hands are so slow and mirageous.
Ticking so short as a run of a sprinter.
Sure we could wake up
In the dream of the star
& our ache becomes heart.

About nov.15_2004
