King Alt - Алкогольный Барон

The “Irish Alt King” at Once be:
With daughters, maybe three;
The major owner of the Castles, evidently, was he.

On continent, now it is France, with famous name: “Shato”.
In England: “Castle”. And one mobile, so called: “Shapito”.

From year to year, from day to day, drink-drank he … please, don’t cry!
That was fresh water, wasn’t wine. But listen, or Goodbye!

He lived, and lived. He was not dumb. He had the biggest crown.
He walked from the castle to castle, I tell you, like a clown.

Well, Once upon a time, he rested on Wood stock. 
He was “Snake bitten”, daughters cried - it made him like “Mad Dog”.

Occasionally there was witch, don’t known – Fatal Agatha.
She solved the all! By beverage! Yes, drink - “Uisque Beatha”*.

This happy story in the past was awfully inverted.
I wrote it here by the mind – it must be reconverted!

Particularly, that Shakespeare
Just named as – “King Lear”!

* “Uisque Beatha”= Whisky

A. D’Zhigra

Перевод: Алкогольный "Барон".

Смешной мужик когда-то жил,
Он очень много пил.
По пинте: Виски, Эль и Джин.
Со всем этим - дружил!
